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Everything posted by choo-choo-charlie

  1. Nice research! And sweet Monk avatar!
  2. My older brother, a recent convert to Wilco, forwarded this to me this evening...hope this hasn't been posted or discussed in an age-old thread already. http://www.prefixmag.com/features/lists/10-best-albums-resulting-from-the-uncle-tupelo-bre/21169/
  3. Here's the review at All Music Guide: http://www.allmusic.com/cg/amg.dll?p=amg&sql=10:avfqxzyald6e "Chances are, Extended Vacation won't rope in fans of Gray's and Kotche's respective bands Wilco and Gastr del Sol, since it's a far cry from alt-country or math rock, but those looking for something that's avant-garde but fairly easy to digest might find this minimalist mood piece strangely soothing." D'oh! He switched around Gray and Kotche's band memberships. Another example of a reviewer who doesn't know much about his subjects or didn't bother to look to deep into their musical aff
  4. That's for damn sure, although I do agree with the other poster's assertion that a vast number of YHF reviews all begin with two paragraphs of backstory. I do think that to tell the YHF story there does need to be some mention of the creative process, band lineup change and the Reprise/Nonesuch switchover - but I'd rather see these things...ahem, buried in sound.
  5. Good grief...my eyes must have been playing tricks on me. Time to get away from the computer...
  6. There are all sort of ridiculous things being said here. Yep.
  7. Maybe it's because European and Asian audiences - I'll just go out on a limb and say it - are typically more welcoming to this type of music than Americans. That's why so many jazz musicians bailed on the US and made their names in other countries...it's sad when practitioners of an American art form are more successful when they do it outside of these borders... Anyway, I gave the track at the On Fillmore website a listen and it's delightfully spooky...
  8. Of course you were. I have no idea why Japan gets it a week earlier though...
  9. By one day - releases typically come out on Mondays in the UK, Tuesdays in the US.
  10. Are we talking about one of the greatest Nintendo games ever?
  11. Just don't start a thread about getting a recording of it...
  12. Here's a review at popmatters.com http://www.popmatters.com/pm/post/115454-wilco-19-october-2009-uic-pavilion-chicago/
  13. Abso-friggin-lutely. Whenever I listen to one of the Fillmore shows from July 2000 and this gets busted out, the volume on the stereo goes up another notch.
  14. Not that I've heard...I remember a similar question being asked around the time Jay Bennett passed away and people were starting to dive into older live recordings. It seems that there is a proliferation of high-quality recordings from the Bennett days and a handful of good stuff from 2001-2005, but the high-quality stuff of recent times is a bit more scarce. This also depends on your definition of "high-quality" recordings...what is pleasant to one listener could be grating to another.
  15. An excellent point and a very touchy issue for some. A jazz club in Kansas City got closed down b/c of this.
  16. I might have to give this one another try. After the first few listens, I picked out 2-3 songs that I enjoyed but didn't come away loving it.
  17. I second that. I've been pining to hear the whole shows from which KT was created ever since I bought it...
  18. Released March 10, 2009 >> http://www.allmusic.com/cg/amg.dll?p=amg&sql=10:knfoxzekldae I've yet to hear this...
  19. which is why it was a tough call. i do love those tracks.
  20. Crikey, I give up. I, like all of you, love it for what it is and wouldn't change anything about it. Just wanted to throw a little random somethin' out there...a "What If?" situation. It's not like people haven't openly discussed altering YHF to include other tracks from the era, or in place of something on the record. Or the SBS/W(TA) mash-up thread...
  21. OK, if you were the record execs who thought the idea of a double-album wasn't a good one, and you forced the band to trim it, what would it look like?
  22. This is true. The first copy I owned was a single burned CD; however, being the 'completist' that I am, I bought a real copy of it after the scratches on the burned copy, the result of 100000 listens, rendered it unlistenable, even though I had MP3s. Since there's folks out there who feel that the record is bloated with too much filler, I thought it might be interesting to see what fat people might trim off the delicious steak that is Being There.
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