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tinnitus photography

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Everything posted by tinnitus photography

  1. if you like the big band format, this guy was great at NJF this year Darcy James Argue's Secret Society
  2. John Zorn's Masada songbook continues to amaze, in all variations and incarnations.
  3. yep, that's it. the unions see any additional commercial aspect of the performance as something they have a right to take.
  4. it might be union-specific... that happened w/ the Pixies when they played the Doolittle show at CitiWang... it's a teamster-run building, and the Pixies wouldn't agree to the extortion (i mean buy out fee) that the Teamsters presented to them. Billy Bragg is correct. there *is* power in a union.
  5. wow, those shows sound like ones for the ages. congrats to all who made at least one.
  6. Mike Watt's got a project w/ Sam that i'm interested in hearing.
  7. Last time I saw them as in 2010 and they did the entire Up On The Sun record.
  8. i am exercising my right to democracy by participating in all accessible fora.
  9. this tells you all you need to know about Republican leadership. the amount of vacancies that remain unfilled because of political grandstanding is at all-time high, and it's disgusting.
  10. why isn't it referenced as THE PURGE? that would seem far more dramatic. hey kids, go see Thurston Moore if he's coming to your town. solid show.
  11. i was at the 2009 show in Boston, and thought it was good. no need to see them again, though.
  12. Vote all you want. The secret government won’t change.
  13. it's a pretty amazing song, the lyrics esp. so powerful.
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