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tinnitus photography

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Everything posted by tinnitus photography

  1. once you've tasted them.... you'll know.
  2. pretty much all the DDH or DIPAs from Trillium are $20 a 4 pk. at least they are 16 oz cans, but yeah... pricey.
  3. This Kind of Punishment The Sleep Walker The Men By The Pool Don't Go Prelude > From The Diary Of Hermann Doubt
  4. in the technicality department, they did play "And Your Bird Can Sing" back to back
  5. hüsker dü Something I Learned Today New Day Rising Girl Who Lives On Heaven Hill Chartered Trips It's Not Peculiar
  6. Wire Mannequin Outdoor Miner Map Ref 41 Degrees N 93 Degrees W Reuters Fragile
  7. Vile will be Friday. TV on Sunday. Wolf on Saturday. that's my guess.
  8. Alloy Orchestra should be cool... always wanted to see them. features Roger Miller from Mission of Burma (and a host of other projects). Daniel Bachmann is an extremely talented acoustic guitar master. The Alvin brothers were (are? they still extant?) in The Blasters, and Dave played w/ John, DJ and Exene as The Knitters. Jeff Parker is from Tortoise and is a solid player. looking forward to his ensemble. i need to dig into the others. i think this lineup is better than last event's.
  9. hey Todd, if you are down w/ the obscure Flying Nun bands, definitely check out Bird Nest Roys if you haven't already.
  10. yeah she was definitely in the lineup for that show. http://photos.tinnitus-photography.com/p410631120#h6ea63e42
  11. Saturday night, Mayhem, Inquisition, and Black Anvil
  12. prime viewing spot chairs and blankets pick one.
  13. Kevin also spent time in Woods, and did a pretty nice project w/ one of the Vivian Girls as The Babies.
  14. if you buy a new LP that's offpressed or noisy, get a refund/replacement.
  15. maybe they'll do it like Newport Folk Festival, where you can use blankets and seats on the wings but not in the center.
  16. The Shaggs! holy crap! maybe Jandek will be booked at the comedy stage later.
  17. i do get annoyed w/ the shallowness of some of his knowledge, though... admittedly it would be an impossible task to have a deep knowledge of everyone who's been on his show, but when he interviews someone like Robyn Hitchcock and basically only knows two records (Underwater Moonlight; Globe of Frogs), something's not quite right. though i did learn that Robyn's dad was involved w/ Kinks' _Percy_ soundtrack.
  18. Florida seems to be pretty isolated from environmental concerns... good going, rep Gaetz! https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/house-bill/861/text
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