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tinnitus photography

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Everything posted by tinnitus photography

  1. I saw The Jody Grind once. god, that was a long time ago.
  2. small chance I'll go see Shellac again while I'm down in Philly. We'll see.
  3. fair enough http://www.irishprisons.ie/index.php/prisons/
  4. i should take some of my work colleagues to Har Mar Superstar tonight. we're down in Philly on a business trip.
  5. "Tonight there's gonna be a jailbreak/somewhere in this town." like, maybe at the jail?
  6. The Golden Gunn record w/ Steve Gunn is excellent. I also really like _Haw_.
  7. Fleetwood Mac: The Chain Rhiannon Dreams Gold Dust Woman Hypnotized
  8. 100% guarantee of Girlpool. mark it, Donnie.
  9. i meant 'to Iggy' as in be the most ferocious front man in rock history.
  10. i love his bit about trying to out Iggy Iggy Pop at a festival.
  11. also Rollins has been a tight spring for his entire life. Don't poke the bear. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-uQB4pyTrmc I highly recommend reading Get In The Van. great read.
  12. i saw him once and the same thing... 2.5 or so hours, and the sole bottle of Poland Springs at the foot of his stool went uncapped. I love his storytelling. too bad the show here is sold out.
  13. Steve Albini gets up close and personal last night. Man was Shellac so fucking great!
  14. i am not doubting you. all that says is that the RnRHoF is as big a steaming coil as we all figured it was. but hey, Can isn't recognized but Green Day is. yeah, that makes sense.
  15. there are tons of great bands from Germany, Japan and Scandinavia who i don't ever expect to see in the HoF, esp if someone like the Smiths can't get in. so fuck those guys. i took your statement as answering the question of What Is Rock and Roll? which is a ridiculous answer, if you think rock music needs to be sung in English. and this board is seriously in need of a Kraftwerk primer.
  16. I asked Jeff that at the press conference they held the first two years. He basically said it's up to Jim.
  17. it's not my problem if people have shit tastes and can't recognize true pioneers. then again, they might have heard a Coldplay song. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EH9meoWmAOM
  18. if i got to choose: Bad Brains The Cars Chic Kraftwerk Yes
  19. Thin Lizzy Jailbreak Johnny The Fox Meets Jimmy The Weed Hollywood (Down On Your Luck) Whiskey in the Jar Waiting For An Alibi
  20. yeah i had fun, and they sounded great. a bit heavy on stuff i'm not too familiar with (esp Songs From Northern Britain), and i could have gone for Alcoholiday or Neil Jung, but very minor complaints. i love the understated Scottish wit too.
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