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tinnitus photography

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Everything posted by tinnitus photography

  1. High On Fire Devilution Death is this Communion Carcosa Bastard Samurai Baghdad
  2. i'm sure that Herman would not approve.
  3. morning drive, iPod in my car. editing photos, mp3s via foobar over headphones. if i can help it, mostly LPs over my stereo.
  4. i misunderstood your post as being the longest show in the US by anyone.
  5. yeah i shot Phish at one of the Fenway shows, years ago. two good friends of mine are huge fans so i went w/ them.
  6. if i hadn't just seen Sabbath and then a 3 day music fest in Vegas, i'd go see Monolord and Beastmaker tonight. i've actually seen Phish twice, once being the historic gig when they self-booked the show at The Paradise in '89.
  7. i don't mind floor-mounted devices but music stands suck! they get in the way of my photos. i've seen a few people use them... as mentioned, Gira uses them mainly because on tour he tends to play very new material that's not been released yet. i saw Johnny Lydon use one for PiL, and Thurston Moore when he played Psychic Hearts (though to his defense, the record was over 15 years old and i am sure most of those songs were never played live).
  8. who the fuck is keeping these records? Oneida played for 7.5 hours at an ATP i went to in 2011.
  9. no fucking way that Flaming Lips should be on that list as they have virtually abandoned all the songs that made them good in the first place.
  10. not a discrete line per se, but i love the evolution of the "you're not listening/you'll be listening" changes in Impossible Germany
  11. word tattoos are the worst, imo.
  12. shit... i've seen thousands of shows. how am i supposed to limit that to ten? off the top of my head, i'll give it a shot. Thinking Fellers Union Local 282 @ The Midway, Boston 2011. pretty surreal for one of my favorite bands to do a hometown warmup show for a festival that would be across the Atlantic. and it was a reunion show... they hadn't played in years. thankfully their drummer lives in Boston and it was a convenient location, and they played twice as long as their festival set. Saw them plenty of times back in the day and they still sound utterly unique. Funny anecdote - someone
  13. he's back in the lineup but played on a stool for pretty much the entire show, aside from standing up to play a sax on two songs.
  14. i felt like a spring chicken at tonight's X show.
  15. they were excellent a couple of weeks ago.
  16. the indifference of the music press to the genius of Howe Gelb continues.
  17. it's not a surprise, and i wasn't questioning the DNC's non-support for Bernie. Maybe i'm wrong, but it seemed like all the superdelegate votes were counted right up front, regardless when their state primary happened.
  18. that is true, but it's also true that many of the SDs pledged for Hillary just as the race was starting, and the totals made it look really lopsided in her favor, when in fact it wasn't. people like to hop on the winner's wagon, and i think that definitely had some effect.
  19. Silkworm There Is A Party In Warsaw Tonight I Never Met A Man I Didn't Like Swings Nerves Couldn't You Wait?
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