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tinnitus photography

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Everything posted by tinnitus photography

  1. eh, looks like the re-press is $48 from Bull Moose... looks like i was a few months late w/ this.
  2. what's good money? looking at discogs, most are priced at $200 or so. is that realistic? there are a couple of records on Discogs that I could use, and $200 would make a nice dent in that total.
  3. i'll trade my copy for a mint Vertigo pressing of the first Sabbath record, or Vol 4.
  4. i saw Guided By Voices last night, with a bunch of friends and unencumbered with camera gear or the need to take photos in a jammed club w/o a photo pit. it was blissful.
  5. even better, now i have a free ticket to GBV!
  6. set lists have been about 40 songs.
  7. looks like i'll be going to GBV after all, but just as a fan.
  8. a bartender in NOLA turned me onto this guy last year when i noticed he was playing Brian Jonestown Massacre over the house stereo. Good stuff. We shot the shit about music over my last two drinks.
  9. NYT: mobile.nytimes.com/2016/07/10/opinion/sunday/what-white-america-fails-to-see.html
  10. hang on... I swear it was on here the other day, but no clue where it went!
  11. probably seeing some rocket heading off to space. i also have vague memories of Watergate.
  12. i did three shows (Sleep; Marty Willson-Piper; FLAG) before heading to Iceland, and though the festival was canceled we did get to see Sleep and Thee Oh Sees/Angel Olsen shows. I was posting older photos taken at ATP as a memorial. I actually shot Phish at Fenway a while back... put in for it as two good friends are massive Phish fans. DO NOT FORGET EAR PLUGS. seriously. you will damage your hearing. Gira's got a thing for thunderous volume. I've seen this lineup four times now and this is their last go-round before Gira dissolves Swans into some new form. It's not easy listening, but
  13. i also heard that i'm very likely to be approved for the Paul McCartney show at Fenway... i shot him there before, but am happy to have another go at it, as i didn't bring a step stool and was not super psyched w/ my shots.
  14. Swans tmrw. it's been kinda slow for me but i did see 5 shows over 9 days recently.
  15. i find the concept of an Englishman like Robyn living in the sweaty hellhole of the South somewhat humorous. though i guess that Ray Davies survived in NOLA for a while, so anything's possible.
  16. just back from their tour, hitting active volcano and virgin spruce forest sites. it was extra kvlt. also: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gYSnZRDe7h4
  17. have they set a record for band calling it quits the longest after their sell-by date?
  18. Marty Willson-Piper tonight! i hope he plays "Chromium," one of my all-time favorite Church songs.
  19. not exactly (at least according to this washington post article w/ a very misleading, clickbaity title
  20. Sleep and Windhand, with my youngest son. \m/
  21. yeah after seeing the NO FRACKING sticker on his Jazzmaster a few years ago, i figured he wasn't pals with Charlton Heston or Dick Cheney.
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