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tinnitus photography

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Everything posted by tinnitus photography

  1. how fucking great is this song? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j3tCP2L62IM
  2. Phil Collins digs corpsepaint too. Heard he's a big Gorgoroth fan.
  3. yes. including my brand new Canon 5D4... 4.5 years was a lot of time w/ one camera body, but the price stopped me from updating both.
  4. no substitutions, please! http://viachicago.org/topic/50766-5-fave-songs-from-a-fave-band/page-2?do=findComment&comment=1570198
  5. are there people who go to SSF for only one night? Seems weird to me. and i am surprised at the number of people who are not impressed with "Color Me Impressed." granted it's not my fave Replacements song either but it's no "Gary's Got A Boner" or "Shooting Dirty Pool." And Tommy Stinson played on it!
  6. pretty sure that Jim Elkington of Tweedy band played in Steve's band the last time i saw him. I've seen Steve play as a Violator as well, backing Kurt Vile. good player.
  7. i am thinking that they go full corpsepaint, bullet belts and spike arm and leg guards and cover Immortal's _Sons Of Northern Darkness_ in its entirety. Maybe they can do Darkthrone's _A Blaze In The Northern Sky_ as well as they are fairly short records.
  8. "You and I" at some restaurant in the Philly airport.
  9. great read from Anohni (fka Antony):https://thecreativeindependent.com/people/anohni-on-art-corporations-and-the-music-industry/ No one got paid to do that video except the hairdresser. The whole thing was done basically for free, just to make a product that we were then obliged to rent exclusively to Apple for a fraction of what they would had to have paid for it if they had framed it as an advertisement, which is of course what it was, though I didn’t want to admit it at the time. My being bought as a politically outspoken artist is a more potent advertising tool for Apple than a 100 mo
  10. yeah if anyone was complaining about the covers set, they were in the distinct minority. that set ruled. my head almost exploded in the photo pit when they played "Cut Your Hair."
  11. just my theory, but i guess hot button conservative topics like abortion, gun rights, military spending etc trump all, even in the (orange) face of blatant boorishness, racism, sexism and utter descipability.
  12. what was so disgusting about Hillary's debate performance? I thought she was dignified and actually answered some of the questions.
  13. If Drumpf wins the popular vote, my decision to move to Ireland is made all the easier.
  14. it's hard for me to figure out why "Yes" is soldiering on w/o Squire.
  15. Warpaint: Stars Set Your Arms Down Feeling Alright Burgundy Keep It Healthy brilliance: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4EWiY9xXrug
  16. well i sucked it up and saw Warpaint last night. though i got in at doors (8) and they didn't take the stage until near 10:30 after one opener, it was worth it. god i love that band. i have some work travel that means no shows for a bit... i have tickets to see Shellac in Maine in two thursdays, but might see them in PVD the following night so i can see Die Antwoord... they have always been on my to shoot list.
  17. i missed that on Monday due to being sick.
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