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Ghost of Electricity

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Everything posted by Ghost of Electricity

  1. it might be his hands. I take your point, but I do like his steel playing.
  2. I think "Bull Black Nova" is the best example of Wilco (The Sound) on this one, which is probably why it's the early favorite. It occurs to me that they're having another go at what they were trying to get at in "Spiders (Kidsmoke)," when Jeff was too messed up to accomplish it.
  3. I can hear lots of things in it, but not Full Moon Fever.
  4. no, it's only got 3 letters. but if it had one more it would be another "o"
  5. So who is pleading guilty to being a HMUF or a RW?
  6. The last new one you let us listen to once a week. but now that's an old one. What about the new new one? and do we have to (or can we) stop listening to the old one once a week now?
  7. I've listened to the stream a couple of times through now, and know myself well enough to reserve judgement until it settles a bit. I didn't take to YHF at first, for reasons which i can still remember but they don't seem to bother me much any more (the nuances of Jeff's voice being lost in the niose and the mix and the recording tricks like double tracking). Once I got used to the things which initially disappointed about it I was able to start appreciating it on it's own terms (not Ctions sorry). AGIB and SBS, conversely hit me positively at first and i couldn't take then out of the
  8. checking in with the new material from Krakow, Poland
  9. i just wanted to repeat the words "camel toe leaking." excuse me, carry on.
  10. leaving genre issues aside, there are several people who should be mentioned here: Chet Atkins- a virutoso Les Paul- an innovator Maybelle Carter - simple but effective Django Reinhardt - did it with two fingers on his left hand- how, i'll never know keeping it under the rock and roll umbrella, Gary Louris has the unusual gift of writing a solo so melodic that it can be whistled.
  11. Feelies at Millenium park? wait a minute, did i miss something?
  12. Any chance you can leak a parody before the real thing actually comes out? Then we can all work backwards from there.
  13. My favorite REM record and my sons favorite record period. Thank got I moved away before XRT was sold. It's disappointing to listen to when i get back occasionally. At least the kept most of the staff though.
  14. but if can make you dance like the guy in your avatar, then it might be worth it.
  15. As i don't have an opinion on this particular pedal, I do have a EHX Double Muff which sounds great, but is big, and as I only ever use the single muff setting on it, i thought i might downsize to the nano muff. according to EHX lit it is exactly the same circuit, and so it should sound the same. However, when i plugged it in in the shop it sounded like crap. I seem to remember having heard similar stories about the nano stone. so i would be wary of anything nano- try it thoroughly in the shop first and let your ears decide.
  16. You're probably right. On second read my interpretation is that NightOfJoy was really just looking for an opportunity to use the word . Is this how rumors get started?
  17. Henneman? Wow, he goes wwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy back into UT days doesn't he? Weren't they playing with the Bottle Rockets as far back as Still Feel Gone? I really like his guitar work on AM. Seems a little suspicious that most people who Tweedy works with end up hating him.
  18. The reviewer says it's Nels soloing at the end of One Wing...my fallible memory of the YouTube clips was that it was actually Pat who took the solo.
  19. it's been about a year since i read pitchfork. You folks are making think i should go back and do it again just so i can have an opinion.
  20. I had forgotten about Pitchfork. why did you have to remind me?
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