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Everything posted by Analogman

  1. I don't see how Jeff being upset leads to calls of banning photography. Although, it should not really surprise me. I don't recall ever seeing anyone complain when someone posts the photos they took at a show, usually people ask for more. If you get into some deal with a professional, then you are going to get into the issue of people snagging the photos and posting them all over the place. Which, we will get someone in trouble somewhere. I still really think he got upset due to so many people creating a ruckus, and people filming. I have not been to a Wilco shows in almost 3 years, but I don'
  2. People will still take photos/film with their cell phones. I don't think he is mad about people taking photos, but rather, so many of them taking photos in one place. And really, he is going on about people filming, not so much taking photos. He has been taking cameras away from people off and on for a while now. So that is nothing new.
  3. I think all of that can be answered by checking this thread.
  4. I use to have a nifty title for my book, but I won't say it here.
  5. The kid I was talking to about Dylan the other day is into Donovan. That surprised me. He didn't know about the whole Mountain Jam deal, so I told him to look it up.
  6. And yes - there are different answers to the same question, depending on what year the question was asked. Of course, Donovan started out as a folk strummer, and then went on to make electric full bands songs. I think that is true. Although, there were some attempts at Dylan singles (Mixed-Up Confusion). Dylan's "going electric" period always sounds a bit off kilter to me. But, by the time of John Wesley Harding/Nashville Skyline/New Morning/etc., it seems to fit him.
  7. I guess it depends on what you read, and whose book is reporting what you read. I have probably read things that suggest what you said. It does go on in the Shelton book about he chided Joan Baez for covering Yesterday. But - that could be more about dumping on her, than the song, of course.
  8. The best thing to do besides searching Bit Torrent sites yourself, is to keep on eye on this section of Via Chicago.
  9. Pearl Jam with Chris Cornell "Hunger Strike" Gibson Amphitheater, LA, 10.6.09 (Youtube link)
  10. A little hard rock humor.
  11. I learned about these things from my parents, and I don't think they ever owned any Stones albums. A neighbor gave me an original pressing of Satisfaction (45), and someone else gave me Through the Past, Darkly (Big Hits Vol. 2) (shaped like a stop sign) which were the first two Stones records I ever owned. I still have them, of course.
  12. That reminds that I was sort of taught that if you like The Beatles, you were sort of automatically against The Stones. Which is odd, I know. They were in fact quite close in real life. Mick Jagger was hanging out with John off and on right up until the end of his life. The other day I was giving a young fellow a lecture about Dylan. He was asking me about the No Direction Home documentary, and all he owns is that and some greatest hits cd. He was surprised to learn that Dylan was not his real name, and this he is a Jew. Of course, I told him that two dudes in KISS were also Jews. He did not
  13. According to the liner notes, it was George.
  14. From what I have read, it was Dhani Harrison who got the ball rolling on Rock Band, and got the others to go along with the idea. Which surprised me.
  15. I was at that first show. Those were my first two Wilco shows.
  16. I was at that show. That was the 4th show with Nels. Is that correct? I've said this before, but he was actually the first guy in the band I ever talked to. I asked him a question about one of his pedals.
  17. At least here we (I) don't get blank stares, when we go on about Jimi Hendrix's original name, or the invention of ADT or what have you. I appreciate that, if nothing else. I suppose part of the deal with The Beatles is the cultural phenomenon around them, which I can't really separate from the music, although sometimes I can.
  18. What else is one suppose to do with knowledge no one gives a shit about - except post it in a place where people gather to talk about stuff no one gives a shit about.
  19. I always find the talk of Dylan and The Beatles interesting. I believe The Beatles did not care for him at first, but then, John became rather taken with him. You can clearly see this in the Help! film. He even began to dress like Dylan. It is also been said that one of the reasons Dylan "went electric" was due to the success of The Beatles and The Rolling Stones. They shared some common musical influences - such as Buddy Holly, Chuck Berry, and Elvis. I always point to the comment made by Mick Jagger that before Dylan "people were writing euphemistic songs about love". Including Th
  20. I always get up at 6am, and listen to KISS records.
  21. I posted this elsewhere, but I decided to move it here:
  22. It was for a photo-op. If you get the book KISS Behind The Mask, you will see all sorts of photos of them in studios, soundchecks, etc. without make-up on. I think they only put it on before shows, and for photo sessions. That is really good book to read - as I have said before. There is a lot detail about how the albums were put together.
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