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Everything posted by Analogman

  1. I found an issue of Fantastic Films this morning at the laundromat - from October 1979 - it has an article in it about how Dr. Who was unknown/did not catch on with American audiences at the time.
  2. Indeed - his wife was a bit lost there - without her axe.
  3. Well, I am a hopeless romantic at heart - and it has a great groove. Anyone ever get the shows you could get if you bought that album? I never did - as I knew nothing about such things at the time.
  4. Funny how RS always dissed them - until that 70s issue a few years ago (I have it) and now, this new issue.
  5. What's the deal with that girl playing with Jeff Beck? Johnny Winter looks like warmed over death.
  6. It's up at bt.etree - but the seed is dead. That's one of the shows I need to complete the project I am working on - - I am actually at 90.7% on this torrent - I hope someone seeds.
  7. This is on PBS right now - er, it is in Pittsburgh anyhow.
  8. I only saw them once - when they opened up for Robert Plant on the Magic Nirvana tour.
  9. Chris or Rich (I forget which one) says that Three Snakes is their favorite.
  10. I'll tell you something - I dig the song Miracle To Me.
  11. It is 100 percent better than the first - that's for sure. Just like Pearl Jam - first album, polished and controlled - second album, live in the studio and awesome.
  12. Well - I think the best lyric/music mix for me is Southern Harmony/Amorica/Tall. That said, I rather like Good Friday and Under A Mountain. They should have put out The Band album instead of By Your Side.
  13. I don't much care for By Your Side (especially when one hears the songs that should have came out instead), and I am not to crazy about Lions - the sound of that album is too weird for one thing. I have come to like Three Snakes over the past few years - but I think most of the lyrics on that album are not so great.
  14. Just as I thought. (I was thinking someone would get that sooner.)
  15. No - best to watch the After The Show or BT section. I don't think anything has been put out since the ACT limits dvd torrent - except for the 2003/2004 Pittsburgh shows.
  16. Or if you can do BT - there are a lot of shows out there - on dime a dozen and bt.etree.
  17. I have some 1995 shows at home - they are good as I recall.
  18. I am not sure what sort of files mine are - I will have to check. I do know that there are a lot of vine type deals at the amorica II board.
  19. US Festival website with information
  20. I don't look at that site anymore - but glad to see/read something you got out there for people to check out.
  21. I rather enjoy watching that in the film.
  22. I don't know what all the new people look like on here - sorry. I did not know that was you. I hope you do it - as I have always been curious about how some of the stuff looks. I am a small town guy and love small towns.
  23. We have had that debate - I think he was the best guitar player they ever had myself. And - I doubt they will ever top Amorica/Tall. That's the sound I prefer from them anyhow. If you dig around - you will see that there are some threads about the crowes on here. We talk about them from time to time. I am blues based rock fan - so yes, I rather like them - and have been listening to them since the first album. Chris also produced the new Gary Louris album - so there is that connection here also.
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