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Everything posted by worldrecordplayer

  1. What do you mean, I am expecting to put together my 2011 Solid Sound framed photos from Tinnitus Photography shots!
  2. That's funny, I thought the Tweedy set was a *perfect* way to end the weekend, a cloudy, lazy summer Sunday afternoon with Tweedy, all his acoustic guitars and friends. I felt perfect walking out of there. Not that I had "had enough" by any means, but I remember feeling quite nice.
  3. Loved that, and all the Wilco and Tweedy moments at Solid Sound.
  4. You should recognize them! Hope you get some good ones in 2011
  5. There should be a photo attached to that posting, but I guess it's not showing up. Try again.
  6. Bags are packed, ready to go. Solid Sound 2011, yes! This is what's hanging in my office, I'm ready to add a 2011 version.
  7. Just got the attached hanging in my office. I purchased the 2 photos from Tinnitus Photography (thank you Tim Bugbee) and had them mounted and framed with the festival booklet in the middle. The crappy photo from my phone doesn't do it justice-it looks great. Hope to add a second one from SolidSound 2011!
  8. Really? That must have been written with tongue firmly planted in the cheek, no?
  9. I get prompted for a user name and password to view that clip. Anyone else?
  10. Didn't Wilco announce a while ago that there would be no more dates in 2010?
  11. Love this thread, keep the photos coming. Recently bought the poster for the Orpheum/Boston show, it's being framed as I type. Don't still have my ticket stub. Will post a photo when I get it back. I'm going to get a really nice band photo from the Solid Sound show and frame that with my Solid Sound grid book.
  12. My wife says she hears One Wing all the time in CVS. I haven't. Guess I don't spend enough time in CVS.
  13. Totally. Almost week and half later, and I'm still groovin from Solid Sound. These things usually cycle through the mind and blood system much quicker, but Solid Sound has staying power the likes of which I can't remember!
  14. That was the first time I'd seen A.D., and I was blown away by how great they sounded (as was my wife and friends who were all seeing them for the first time). Sounds like we caught a good first show!
  15. I don't know about the wives, but *I* get chills listening to those lyrics ☺
  16. Admin Edit: Sorry, but Wilco mgmt. have asked that we not share live Wilco or Jeff Tweedy videos here on Via Chicago...see our VC Rules and Regulations. Thanks for sharing that great video. And all the photos people posted. Transports me right back to N. Adams.
  17. Very well said jimthedrummer. I'm with you all the way in everything you wrote, from all the years of the Dead shows to Wilco/Tweedy in the Berkshires.
  18. So there was a promoter. According to the story in today's NY Times, Alex Crothers was "one of the promoters." He must be one of the Higher Ground people.
  19. couldn't disagree more. I got exposed to music I otherwise had not listened to, and the great vibe of the entire weekend was a direct effect of the fact that this was a Wilco and Wilco friends event. Maybe you had to be there in person to appreciate how great it was that the lineup of music and art was exactly what it was. My life was not missing anything during my time at Solid Sound. Nice write up in today's NY Times: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/08/17/arts/music/17solid.html?_r=1&scp=2&sq=wilco&st=cse
  20. The merch sales looked to be going strong. I made my own contributions, with a shirt, Autumn Defense cd, and a coffee mug. Although some of that was on a credit card
  21. If Wilco was the promoter (and Tweedy did refer to it as "our" event), then the third hand information I was told was wrong. Could be. But I was led to believe that Higher Ground out of Vermont was the promoter. And if that is the case, and the promoter guaranteed the performers a certain payment and paid the costs and took the risk of recouping on ticket sales and merchandise, etc, then it's possible that an event that was hoping to sell 8,000 tickets (I had read that number somewhere) and sold +/- 5,000 could sustain a $$ loss somewhere. Regardless, the vibe all weekend was so relaxed an
  22. That is consistent with Tweedy's statements at Sunday's show that they'd like to be back next year. Although I heard that the promoter was taking a loss because not enough tickets sold, I hope that's not true and they find a way to do it again.
  23. the high five guys (and gal) was just another great touch of one of the best run, and most fun, events I've attended.
  24. can someone point me to the setlist???
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