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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. and i'm gonna' win alllll the money...alllll the money.
  2. Turn off your 'ignore sarcasm and light a fatty' button.
  3. Really? Man, this news to me...I always thought he was the epitome of excellence in broadcasting.
  4. I heard this on the radio this morning during some bit where they were playing awful negative campaign ads. You think it's gotta be a joke, but it's for real... Funniest Attack Ad Ever
  5. Do you have a bedazzler? Mint condition, preferably.
  6. and will be until they stop serving alcohol.
  7. Incredibly, some people enjoy shouting "Freebird" at concerts.
  8. Not everybody who gets beers at a show ends up drunk. Incredibly, some people just enjoy the taste of beer.
  9. Puking, burning, pushing, threatening, accosting is just bad etiquette period. Maybe it's just me, but while I don't doubt that some of this stuff happens...I gues I just don't see it in this rampant form that everybody here seems to report. I mean, i've been at some ofthe same shows that people provide a recap that the crowd was horrible and I didn't even notice it. "Talking during the entire show even if you paid alot of money for tickets"...it's their money to waste. However, you paid for your ticket as well and if somebody is in your space physically or vocally, fucking tell them. Jesus.
  10. That is impossible to do at any of these gigs nowadays.
  11. Pretty much, yeah. Again, for me, if the show was really that good, it'll overshadow any other outside issue from somebody sipping their beer a little too loud or the girl standing next to me not paying attention as much as she should have. A bulk of some of thes post-show reviews are more focused on the crowd than the freaking show itself, I find that a little crazy.
  12. I don't think behavior is any worse. There have always been assholes of some degree at every show i've ever been too...i've become adept at tuning them out and just enjoying the show. If the person is too bad to ignore, I say something and 9/10 they stop. If anything, I think a lot concertgoers have become exceedingly sensitive and expect some sort of zen-like enviornment that just isn't going to happen.
  13. I finally saw that Dawn 'o' the Dead remake on USA last night too...pretty fun. I also read someplace that Rob Zombie is doing a remake of Halloween, which was on AMC last night as well. I've enjoyed his past two films, but i'm not sure one could remake that flick w/ suitable results.
  14. I picture him in either a dune buggy or a dragster like the Munsters drove in.
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