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Everything posted by Dude

  1. There's a bit of that syngery in eating at Chiptole (my favorite casual dining experience these days) and hearing a Wilco / UT song piped in there (which happens pretty frequently).
  2. Is it a test of willpower to wait 6 days and purchase the albums proper or download the leaks now? I don't think 6 days is going to kill me.
  3. Cool interview, thanks for sharing.
  4. What a goof. Here's his other ratings: A.M. [sire/Reprise, 1995] *** Being There [Reprise, 1996] B+ Summerteeth [Reprise, 1999] ** Yankee Hotel Foxtrot [Nonesuch, 2002] * A Ghost Is Born [Nonesuch, 2004] B- Sky Blue Sky [Nonesuch, 2007] B+ His review of Summerteeth and YHF: Summerteeth [Reprise, 1999] Old-fashioned tunecraft lacking not pedal steel, who cares, but the concreteness modern popcraft eschews ("Summer Teeth," "She's a Jar"). ** Yankee Hotel Foxtrot [Nonesuch, 2002] purty music, but I yawn like a lawn when I hear him recite ("Jesus, Etc.," "I Am the Man Who Loves You")
  5. When did I say it was simply due to the fact that he hadn't been laid in a while? If modern psychology is doing such an ace coming up figuring out a lot of stuff "pretty well accepted", like the complex interactions between sex and the human psyche, which honestly I don't think anyone on this board can begin to understand from a clinical standpoint, why are mental health professionals, parole boards and our penal system allowing these guys to slip through the cracks and run rampant? He was a changed, better man after the first prison sentence, right? At least, it was "pretty well accepted" a
  6. It's one that's been floating around the Interwebs for a quite a while actually. I think the above wedding took place in Russia. Here's another one:
  7. Nope, he just performed that at one of the shows (in Auckland if I'm not mistaken). The album contains all original songs.
  8. Looks like you actually got mamarried.
  9. It's the new Oink - invitation-only music torrent sharing site known for distributing early leaks.
  10. I wasn't that serious about castration, but since you are responding seriously, I'll will, too. Accepted by whom? How many people kidnap other people and hold them hostage for 18 years just so they have stimulating conversations and play chess with them from time to time? How often are children abducted and killed by complete strangers with zero sexual involvement on the part of the abductor? I honestly think this guy - while a total freak in his own right - would have been a harmless weirdo minus any sexual drive, the kind of freak you see on countless college campuses with megaphone
  11. I hope this sees a pretty wide US release.
  12. Kidnapping suspect's prison term raises questions This sickens me to no end. We regularly hand out absurd sentences for having minuscule amounts of weed in our possession (10 years), or growing marijuana plants on federal land (can send you to prison for life). But we let this absolutely disgusting vermin Phillip Garrido serve only 11 years of a 50 year sentence after he abducted, hogtied and repeatedly raped a woman in a storage locker in Reno. I'm sorry, but what the hell!?! I'm extremely liberal on most fronts. But it seems every one of these violent sex offender cases (the rapist-ens
  13. Ugh, I can't wait. September 9th can't get here fast enough.
  14. Supposedly it is a massive improvement given the discovery of the original metal masters. Maybe you can do a side by side comparison between tracks off your collection and the sound samples on Amazon...?
  15. I think having Wilco / Tweedy content in a Jumble puzzle that appears in every newspaper in the country probably beats out me making a Wilco mix CD for a few of my friends.
  16. To me, it's another flavor of the sort of soulless bumblegum pop they've been making since '01. Rest in Peace Pinkerton, we hardly knew ye.
  17. http://forums.viachicago.org/topic/34178-wilcos-non-album-tracks/page__view__findpost__p__1081623
  18. I'm eager to hear the remastered White Album, which always sounded a bit too bright / compressed to my ears. I'm hoping that improves some on the reissue.
  19. Probably Not Safe for Work, either. I wouldn't want a boss walking up behind me with that on the screen.
  20. the Magical Mystery Tour television show / film is a bit creepy.
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