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Oil Can Boyd

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Everything posted by Oil Can Boyd

  1. I went to the game last night and it was as brutal a game as I have ever seen. Granted, I knew that before I got there when I had seen that the starting line-up was second- and third-stringers, but it was ugly. I had never seen a catcher pitch before ...
  2. I know I am not saying anything all that profound but one of the thigns that continues to amaze me about the Beatles (and which I am reminded of in all the recent press) is just how young they were. When they last recorded together none of them were even 30.
  3. And similarly, (as Tugmoose asked a couple of pages back) if Polanski was a priest rather than an admired director this discussion probbaly wouldn't be taking place right now.
  4. When I saw them in Boston last week they had an 8-piece string section come out on two songs and then two of the violin players came back for the long jam on Little Honda. Ira mentioned that they were students who he had just met that day.
  5. I just finished it and really liked it. It's about a somewhat directionless 20-something guy (who is never named) who leaves his marriage and hides out on Cape Cod. There is not a strong story line; it is more the narrator thinking about his present day situation and looking back at his relationships. Music doesn't play a huge role in the book but it is a consistent theme. Pernice just put out a "soundtrack" to the novel that includes him reading a few passages from the book and solo acoustic versions of a bunch of songs that are mentioned.
  6. I saw the show last night in Boston and, I dunno, it was fine but I wasn't blown away. I still love Farrar's voice, the band was tight, and I thought Walbourne sounded good but as my friend said as we left "they've got the whole mid-tempo thing down pat." The show was solid but there were not a lot of great moments. (But certainly one of them was the closing "Are You Sure Hank Done It This Way.") There was one funny moment where Farrar said something like "we're going to play an old one next." Somebody shouted something which I couldn't hear but I assume was an Uncle Tupelo song. Farra
  7. Love this video of Box Elder with Gary Young saying "so how does it start?"
  8. Kannberg blurb in Rolling Stone Typically for Pavement, the decision to get back together was made in a lackadaisical way. Says Kannberg, “Steve [Malkmus] and I just had a conversation on the phone, and we’d never talked about it before at all. We’ve talked over the years, but the subject never came up. Then our agent asked us about these New York shows, so we went around to everybody in the band, and they said, ‘Yeah, the time is right If everybody’s ready to do it, then we’ll do it and see what happens.’ There was no real impetus — it just kind of happened naturally.”
  9. I just watched Season 5 for the second time. Even though I knew the storylines around both Omar and Duquan, I am still having a hard time with them. Great, great show.
  10. McKelvin's front lawn vandalized HAMBURG, N.Y. -- Bills players are concerned with their privacy and safety after the front lawn of a home belonging to cornerback Leodis McKelvin was vandalized following Buffalo's season-opening loss to New England. Hamburg police on Tuesday confirmed the home of a Bills player was vandalized, but declined to release details of their investigation after an obscenity and the score of Monday night's game -- a 25-24 loss to the Patriots -- were painted in white on the player's lawn in suburban Buffalo. McKelvin fumbled a kickoff return with under two minute
  11. I used to watch a lot of tennis and saw a lot of McEnroe and Connors tantrums but I never saw them say anything like "I would like to take this fu**ing tennis ball and shove it down your fu**ing throat ..." while pointing at a line judge with a racquet.
  12. Definitely sad. I saw him read a couple of times (and got him to sign my copy of the Basketball Diaries) and he was always entertaining.
  13. I really really like it, even after just a few listens. My one complaint is the sequencing of the songs. Ending it with the three long songs doesn't really work for me.
  14. They have been playing a couple of new songs that sound pretty good. I found this quote in this interview. Howard: And are you guys recording at all? Glenn: I did demos of some new songs. I have kind of been recording all along. I did a solo record, had everybody from the Feelies except Bill play on it. We are kind of looking toward that as a goal. But not knocking ourselves out with it either. We never were really that prolific anyway so…I can’t foresee us having albums with this stuff any time soon but we are working towards that.
  15. The reissues of Crazy Rhythms and the Good Earth are out today. I just went to go buy them but didn't pull the trigger. I already have them both on vinyl and CD and somehow having a third copy of each seems a little silly.
  16. Indeed they were, particularly the second night. I was just thinking of those shows because yesterday I drove home to Boston from Bar Harbor and drove right by the Augusta Civic Center.
  17. Just finished this and really enjoyed it.
  18. I must spend too much time on facebook because I was looking for the "Like" button. But yes, although I won't take sides in the Hart/Mould debate, a new Grant Hart album is certainly good news.
  19. Hmm, y'know, on my crappy work speakers with the volume turned down low so as not to bother my colleagues I would have sworn it was someone else.
  20. I just saw this clip on from 1971 that has footage of Big Star filmed by Chris Bell and Andy Hummel.
  21. Blurb on spinner.com During last month's Wilco show at Brooklyn, N.Y.'s Coney Island, Yo La Tengo were brought up on stage to help out during 'Spiders (Kidsmoke),' effectively marking a meeting of two great indie-rock institutions. But more so, for Yo La Tengo -- who are known for having scores of special guests sit in with them, especially at their Hanukkah shows -- the fact that the tables were turned on them didn't go unnoticed. "That was not lost on all of us when it was being talked about," guitarist/vocalist Ira Kaplan tells Spinner. "We always put people in the situations, where we
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