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Everything posted by bleedorange

  1. Well, if you are unfamiliar with the use of boldface type for emphasis, then it was this phrase -- "I want women barefoot and pregnant"
  2. My guess is that a lot of people in his district share those views, along with many others. Isn't that how most people are elected? Or were you being rhetorical?
  3. Everybody knows that only gay men try to look good and dress dapper-ly.
  4. Right now my 18-month-old daughter can't get enough of "Wilco the Song." I've taught her to say "Wilco" and as soon as the song is done and she claps, she starts signing "More" and saying "Wilco" over and over.
  5. Thought I would bump this after seeing Pitchfork review the reissue of Red Red Meat's Bunny Gets Paid. I've only started delving into the Califone back catalog and was wondering if this was a good place to start for Red Red Meat. Or if I should just go to the beginning. From reading the review, it seems Bunny Gets Paid was a bit of a departure from the earlier stuff. All thoughts appreciated.
  6. I'm kind of hoping they get away from the color scheme they've had on the last 4 albums. They've all been fairly monochromatic since Summerteeth.
  7. I don't think she has a bad voice. In fact, I have more of a problem with her songwriting because her three songs would be at or near the bottom of BTCD. But that is where I miss Jason the most in terms of DBT. He has a great voice and it was a great change of pace from Patterson and Cooley. I don't think Shonna's works as well in that role.
  8. Getting back to DBT, although it is dangerous to trust what any artist says about their upcoming album, I am pumped about a "big, fun rock record." I just hope they keep Shonna away from the mic (and the songwriting).
  9. No I don't. But I expect it to be something I enjoy listening to and wish to return to at certain points. I can't say that for either of Isbell's solo albums. Doesn't mean I won't eagerly listen to his next one. And I don't think those are lofty expectations for any artist.
  10. I guess that's why you haven't shared in my disappointment, then.
  11. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I would put Outfit, Decoration Day, Goddamn Lonely Love, Danko/Manuel, Never Gonna Change, and The Day John Henry Died above anything on his solo albums. That is why they have been disappointing.
  12. I don't think that's it, though. At least, not for me. There have been a few really great songs on his two solo albums. I'm just not sure he's a strong enough songwriter to fill an entire album. Not yet, anyway.
  13. Admittedly they are. DBT's three album run with Southern Rock Opera, Decoration Day, and The Dirty South is about as good as it gets. These last two albums have paled in comparison. Plus, I prefer their first two over their last two. Isbell's songs with DBT were highlights on each album they appeared on. His solo stuff hasn't affected me in the same way. Perhaps I like him better in small doses.
  14. The cop mentioned the possibility of having his car towed because it was illegally parked.
  15. I was disappointed in both of those albums.
  16. Thanks for all the posts that remind me why I live in Fort Worth.
  17. You're just a small cog in the huge NWO Corporate Wheel of Death
  18. Shouldn't it be Fuck tha Police
  19. What's pretentious about AGIB? Or stupid? It's an important line from one of the songs on the album.
  20. Excellent point. I liked the "inside all of us" stuff because of those reasons, too. Just watched the trailer again in HD with good sound and it was even better. Really looking forward to this one.
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