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Everything posted by bleedorange

  1. Is Toby Keith up for the Hall of Fame? He should be a shoo-in whenever he's eligible. Interestingly, I've actually never considered Texas to be in the South. Maybe East Texas, I guess.
  2. I'll take Dire Straits over Sonic Youth any day.
  3. You can call it arrogant. You can call it classless. Around here it's simply Aggies being Aggies. The result of a very insular culture.
  4. Yeah, I don't see any reason not to give him the Heisman. Pretty incredible season.
  5. I wasn't choking on anything. It makes no difference to me who wins the Heisman. Of course, most kids with fake IDs only use them to get into bars to drink. It truly takes an Aggie to hand one to a cop. And why was he shirtless in his mug shot?
  6. Instead of Johnny Football, should it be Johnny FakeID or Johnny Misdemeanors?
  7. I got tired of having to drive to Dallas, so I don't see too many shows anymore. Although I am going to see the Vocal Majority's Christmas show in a couple of weeks. So that will probably be my #1.
  8. It's the most wonderful time of the year... ...when everyone starts bitching about how somebody's end-of-year list is wrong.
  9. Yeah, I thought I had read that a while ago. Although, I think there is a brief "trailer" for the album out now, too. Maybe that's why.
  10. I've got fifty bucks on Low's album being better than any of the last three Wilco albums.
  11. Personally, I say let them all in if their performances on the field warrant it. Then, make note of their histories on their plaques about the "Steroid Era" or serving a suspension or whatever.
  12. I think I can safely ignore the secessionist "movement."
  13. I was always partial to Little Debbie, but I did really like Ding Dongs and Hostess Cupcakes.
  14. Does he blame the federal government for this? Does he realize that even after seceding, the same local government would still shut him down?
  15. How is this a "movement"? It's a few people clicking on a link. There are over 100,000 digital signatures on the Texas petition. There were nearly 8 million people who voted in the election. This means that about 1.25% of the people who voted in Texas have signed this thing. If they're even all from Texas. This is such a stupid nonstory about a bunch of idiots. But it's being portrayed as if the state of Texas truly wants to secede. Give me a break. EDIT: By the way, population of Texas is around 26 million. So these digital signatures amount to 0.4% of the population.
  16. That looks pretty interesting. How many episodes have aired? Plus, who doesn't like Melissa George?
  17. As someone who followed Nate Silver's site daily, I was also surprised by the fact that so many people were convinced Romney was going to win. Oh well, hopefully this will be final nail in the coffin for Republican myopia: 1) Start easing back to the center on social issues--especially immigration reform, women's health issues, climate change (I would put gay marriage here, but I just don't see that happening any time soon, unfortunately) 2) The House needs to work with Obama and take credit for any compromises 3) Recognize the fact that these far-right candidates who won the primaries wen
  18. Joe Trippi was sitting next to Rove the entire night. Plus, it had Kirsten Powers and Bob Beckel on various panels.
  19. They had him on there to examine the vote count. Something that he is good at. But he's still living off his reputation from 2000 when he knew the networks called Florida wrong, which is why he was adamant about calling Ohio too soon. He was 100% wrong this time, though, and everybody there was rightfully disagreeing with him. As far as having him on in the role he was in versus his contributions to Romney, I'm not sure it's such a big deal. He doesn't host his own show, everybody knows where he is coming from anyway, and his role on election night was limited to examining the vote numbe
  20. That's an interesting article. I will never subscribe to the belief that Fox News is as bad as people say. I think that has taken on a life of its own. Hell, the news side was sticking to its guns about Ohio despite Karl Rove's ravings. However, it does seem that they missed the mark on what kind of chance Romney had last night. I don't know if that was a product of wishful thinking or an over-reliance on unproven data. I also think the GOP has overestimated the importance of the Tea Party. As the demographics of the nation evolve, there is no way Republicans have a chance of winning b
  21. Definitely. But I think it's in our faces a lot more than back then due to the proliferation of the 24-hour news cycle and the fact that every single person in the country has a forum to express his or her views.
  22. The main problem is that large portions of both sides truly hate the other side. That's why it will never end.
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