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Everything posted by bleedorange

  1. It does beg the question of how they were booked there to begin with. Unless the college overestimated the intelligence of people or didn't realize so many would be offended.
  2. It seems like we're arguing a hypothetical, since it was a licensing issue, right? That being said, I fail to see how licensing his song for a commercial and developing that association is better or a wiser use of his intellectual property than letting a singer cover it on a television show. So, I agree with Sex Nap and Crow, it is foolish. Nobody is arguing the legality of him doing it.
  3. I'm not sure it's fair to say the Colts shit the bed. That was a pretty dominating performance by the Texans. This might be the year they finally get into the playoffs. I know it's early still, but the AFC South looks like the best division in football. (Granted, beating the Raiders and Broncos isn't anything special.)
  4. I don't necessarily disagree with you, but it all comes back to the age-old question when making lists such as these. Is the goal to come up with your favorites or what you consider to be the best? And does something that is highly influential or important automatically make it "the best"? I think there is room for both viewpoints, which leads to interesting and fun discussions. There is no "right" or more objective answer.
  5. I would put Say it Ain't So ahead of Smells Like Teen Spirit. Plus, Weezer's blue album meant a whole lot more to me then than Nevermind.
  6. Agree on Missy Elliot. Was also glad to see that Aaliyah song on there. I must have played that over and over when it came out and even bought the Dr. Doolittle soundtrack just for that song. Oh, back in the days when you bought entire albums just for one song.
  7. They did one song per artist (and laid out the reasoning for it). I've always liked Say it Ain't So as my favorite Weezer song (or My Name is Jonas).
  8. I really like it, too. Although, when I mentioned this in the NP thread a few days ago, there wasn't a whole lot of love for it.
  9. What are your expectations going into a movie like that, then? As a movie "fan," I find it neither fun nor entertaining to sit through a bad movie, whether it be a genre film or an indie darling.
  10. My guess is they want to avoid having a similar situation to the Big 12's right now, which is the South dominating the North for most of the decade. Of course, when the Big 12 was formed, the North was a lot stronger. I don't think they lose anything by splitting Michigan and Ohio State up, though. I'm sure they will follow the SEC model of one traditional rivalry against a team from the other division played every year and then rotate the other 5 teams from that division. This way, they keep the game and have the opportunity to stage an enticing rematch if they both win their divisions.
  11. When I see 3-D "truly enhance" a film, then I will know when 3-D "truly enhances" a film.
  12. What makes you think it automatically does? To be perfectly honest, I'm not entirely sold on 3D anyway. A fish jumping at me off the screen does nothing. For my money, the best use of 3D technology is the Spider-Man ride at Universal Studios.
  13. Okay...they should be crappy movies, then. I would just like to see 3D used in a way that truly enhances the film in a way that 2D cannot. Tacking on some 3D images to a bad movie in order to charge more and make some extra money is useless.
  14. Aren't 3D movies served up at a premium price, though? They should be premium movies, then.
  15. I agree with Cameron. It sure seems like an unnecessary and long-winded defensive statement from the Piranha producer.
  16. Thanks. I'll probably get around to checking it out soon.
  17. I had one of those. I think it may have been my brother's before I got it.
  18. One of my favorites of the year so far.
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