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Everything posted by bleedorange

  1. I think GON is just trying to show us how bad stereotyping can be by example. Good lesson.
  2. I'm pretty sure you missed the point. I like Kala more than Arular. Any White Stripes album this decade more than Elephant. Neon Bible more than Funeral. Speakerboxx more than Stankonia. But I do think Illinois is an exceptional album.
  3. I don't know. I just watched his sweet daddy dee stuff on youtube (man, there's another 8 minutes I won't ever get back), and while it might not be that funny to me, I don't see anything really terrible or objectionable. There were a few decent jokes thrown in there. The "learn english" line would be the one exception that seems out of place. So I guess you can condemn him for that.
  4. Actually, I'm not playing this album. I'm really just staring at the cover.
  5. Am I the only one that thinks Elephant is the worst White Stripes album of this decade? (And by worst, I mean least favorite.)
  6. I suppose, but not many. I've just grown tired of judging. All I can say is that he was funny 20 years ago. He's terrible now. But there is clearly an audience for him. So be it.
  7. Well there are far more objectionable things in this world then someone craving success.
  8. I think it says he wanted to make some money after toiling away as a comic for over 20 years. People do it all the time. Bands do it all the time. Actors do it all the time. Etc.
  9. You're way over-thinking this. He found a way to be hugely successful and tapped into a large audience. That's about it.
  10. 20 years ago, he was pretty funny. But he relied more on his ability and the interplay and dialogue between his various dummies and himself. It's definitely different now.
  11. Vitalogy is my favorite and I love all of those songs you mentioned. They work so well within the overall vibe of that album. I would miss them greatly. I agree with you on Immortality.
  12. Two big road games coming up for the Cowboys to see if they are for real or not - Philly and Green Bay.
  13. DiCaprio is an incredible actor. Watch Blood Diamond. The guy can act and will always remain a draw for me based on his pure ability.
  14. I saw him years ago on The Jonathan Winters Traveling Show on HBO or Showtime. It was probably about 20 years ago, and I thought Dunham was hilarious (as were the other comics on that particular episode). It seems like he has found enormous success playing to the Larry the Cable Guy crowd with the typical jokes that work for that type of audience. He's added some terrible characters to use that crowd to his advantage -- the redneck character and a "dead terrorist" character. It's hard to fault someone for tailoring an act to achieve stardom after laboring in relative obscurity for most o
  15. The commentary by Haden Church and Giamatti on the DVD is a classic one. Absolutely hysterical.
  16. Sideways will definitely be high on my list. That movie has aged very well and I can still watch it over and over.
  17. I agree with everything said in this thread so far.
  18. I thought there were a couple of decent songs on the Red Album. But, Make Believe was so terrible that I don't think they will ever be anything more than a curiosity at this point. However, their current state doesn't diminish those first two albums for me.
  19. I'm anxious to see this movie, especially given the divergent opinions. I was also going to support Beltmann's post about the many forms great art can take and how sometimes the best art can break outside of those norms. Then I realized it was pointless because I couldn't say it better than him anyway.
  20. Is that a local place? Never heard of it. Although I've found that Mexican fast food is hardly worth it. Although, I'm just assuming it is Mexican food.
  21. It is good, though. Just had it for lunch (thanks to this thread). Very satisfying.
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