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Albert Tatlock

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Everything posted by Albert Tatlock

  1. Very autumnal http://youtu.be/jgYFXQrVZq4 http://youtu.be/6ejrDa1t2uE
  2. Spencer flies solo for a phone interview on some local Chicago channel http://youtu.be/_EzcB_9_DME He starts around the 8 minute mark. General chat, no groundbreaking news.
  3. Been having trouble getting a physical copy here in the UK. Been listening to streams online for a while but my CD arrived this morning Towards the end is tails off a bit, but the first half has some wonderful melodies so well worth it. Edit: The end has grown on me now :-)
  4. A very nice little report. I think you captured the mood of what must have been a special evening. Thanks.
  5. RIP Victor, coach/dictator of the coolest sports team outside of the glorious 74 Dutch football side and any team with Barry John in it.
  6. "Wilco auteur Jeff Tweedy, who produced her previous two albums, appeared with drummer-son Spencer Tweedy to perform “You Are Not Alone.” (“My producer!” “My grandson!” Staples said of both.) She and the elder Tweedy elegantly blended their voices for their dual vocals, creating the evening’s first moment of musical gravity." http://entertainment.suntimes.com/entertainment-news/review-mavis-staples-saves-mavis-staples-tribute-auditorium-theatre/ - a mixed review of the logistics of the event, which were being filmed. Setlist taken from here: http://radio.com/2014/11/20/mavis-staples-trib
  7. The interview that is, though he's also nice. http://diffuser.fm/nels-cline-wilco-guitar-playing-interview/
  8. A few words from JT in Billboard regarding the two new releases. Plus TWEEDY is to be an ongoign project (if delayed to allow Spencer to finally get to uni). http://www.billboard.com/articles/news/6319897/jeff-tweedy-wilco-alpha-mike-foxtrot-whats-your-20-essential-tracks
  9. Eh? Meanwhile http://www.examiner.com/article/it-was-20-years-ago-today-wilco-s-live-debut-at-cicero-s-st-louis-1994
  10. A more restrained British perspective:- Ta.
  11. I was referring to what was (originally) written in the The Hague thread i.e. the night before. But no matter. Glad you had a great time
  12. Something from the horses mouth about the previous night that has been causing ructions. I also understand there was a big foul up witht the organisation in Cologne too that meant early queuers were not let in first etc. that might have affected the atmosphere there.
  13. A search for Tweedy + Copenhagen yields some decent quality YouTube videos. There's a nice Love Like A Wire there.
  14. The translation doesn't read too badly. Is that Bob Newhart? http://translate.google.com/translate?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.aftenposten.no%2Fkultur%2Fk-magasinet%2FDa-han-var-liten_-var-pappa-pa-turn-og-slet-med-rus-Na-spiller-de-i-band-sammen-7779443.html&hl=en&langpair=auto|en&tbb=1&ie=utf-8
  15. Is that a wig? http://music-mix.ew.com/2014/11/07/jeff-tweedy-album-sukierae/ Couple fo 3 minute segments on the link. Sounds like a nice interview actually. "The entire interview will air at 7 p.m. ET tonight and across the weekend on SiriusXM channel 105." - The page was published on 7/11 though.
  16. Saturday: New Moon & Lover Like a Wire (JT & ST only not full band) http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p02bf4g3 Interview not as painful as list time JT was on the same show. No news of significance.
  17. The Independent http://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/music/reviews/tweedy-review-the-frontman-of-uncle-tupelo-and-wilco-goes-solo-with-aplomb-9847037.html
  18. Nice review in The Times. I don't have an online subscription so no links possible, but I grabbed the office foyer copy. A bit of extra missing banter too. The Guardian has traditionally liked Wilco/JT, so maybe they'll have a review up tomorrow.
  19. From a Wilco Tweet Entering though the bar I overheard someone say that the place exuded a spirit of Tarby.
  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-C1xg8JWqEA
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