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Everything posted by j4lackey

  1. And as for the rumors that she is a smarmy hurtful condescending bitch, well.... she's not completely smarmy.
  2. Happy Birthday, Vanessa! Hope it is a good one!
  3. A: Train A will arrive in 4 hours and 20 minutes, beating Train B by an hour and a half.
  4. I'm jealous. Sounds like a great night. I've seen Glenn and would love to see them together.
  5. and Afro Celt Sound System feat. Peter Gabriel
  6. Happy belated anniversary and happy birthday, Kate!
  7. Geez, prayers and vibes from KY, so glad you guys checked in here! The images are just mind-blowing. How could something like that have happened?
  8. Well done. Sounds like a very interesting mix. I'm jealous!
  9. Radio Cure comes to mind as one of many...
  10. Maybe a pickanick! That's too funny about your neighbors. Tell them they gotta kick in next time!
  11. I think today is the perfect day for this. Thanks!
  12. Not long at all, unless it's for my favorite band in a big park in their own hometown for charity. As a matter of fact, I am skipping the first of two cookouts tonight to hammer this thing into shape as we speak. Yeah, they say stuff like "What are you, some kinda wise guy?", "Wipe that grin off your face", and "Stop that dancing"! (Actually, I've never seen a show there, so I'm kinda curious about that myself).
  13. I am! Maybe Jenny, as well. Is Scott going to the show, too?
  14. Wow, Lou. Thanks for posting this. Well said. Always nice to get a little perspective on an issue. I will be there and I hope we get to hook up, since you didn't make it to Indy. Always nice to rock out and support a good cause at the same time.
  15. "You mean the flaming dog poop got all over somebody's shoe? Oh wow, we hadn't thought it through that far. We're really sorry, man". ~TheVandals
  16. I wouldn't mind a kind PM myself....
  17. There will be a poster for this show.
  18. I like the Either Way commercial. Definitely the best of the lot.
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