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Everything posted by j4lackey

  1. The back of the key card from my hotel this weekend in Chicago said "ILCO" too.
  2. Oh oh Beep Beep. Hot Dog! Happy Birthday, Bryan . You should do something fun for a change!
  3. Are you being sarcastic? I never know what people really mean anymore....
  4. We had a real good talk, Kevin and me. I definitely would never ever want to play poker with him, however! And we missed you, BobChris. Your absence left a little hole in the night. Seriously. More vibes for the Clouds family. There'll be another summit and we'll see you at it.
  5. While I'm sure the charity would appreciate your generosity, I think they would prefer a cash donation. Finally back in KY. I'm gonna go try to run off some of that great Chicago food I've been wallowing in.
  6. Hey Brad, Happy Birthday!!! I had a great time talking to you Friday.
  7. Happy Birthday, John Bear! It was great meeting you the other night!
  8. Thanks, Brianne. I'm bummed we won't get to see you next week. I was wondering what dead rock star I would have been. Sam & Sooz suggested Johnny Paycheck or Lynnard Skynnard. Perhaps it's time for a makeover. Thank you Ken and Edie, without you guys, we wouldn't have even been there. We had such a good time hanging out with you both. As always. And Ken, I liked Jeff's story of sharing a froofy banana split-like coffee thingachino with you in Australia. He's got a way with words, don't he? I think it's bedtime now. I'm no spring chicken. I love all the pictures so far!
  9. A little scatterbrained right now, slept till one after getting 4 or 5 hours of sleep every night for a week previously and being up almost 24 hours yesterday. Been stumbling around Chicago eating noodles, drinking coffee and buying some art/research books. A few reflections on the last night or two: Jeff playing Love And Mercy on Rob's guitar (after gamely tuning it ) was just beautiful, and backed by two harmonious couches of women (and Skyflynn, you dog)! Neil Poongoogler having a few religious experiences handily playing a handful of songs with Jeff (who called him out on his screen
  10. God, you're good. I wish I could hire you to work for me, but my benefits suck. I saw X a few years ago, and they were tight, loud and powerful. Seeing them again next month and I can't wait!!! Edit: Wait. Are you telling me Billy Zoom is 60????
  11. That was a great party! BobBob, we talked about you and missed you. And MChris, Leo gave me a kiss from you, but was it really supposed to be on the lips? Tom, I thought you and your wife were going to be there tonight, too! Jenny told me on the way home that you weren't. I'm sorry we didn't get to talk much. Thanks again, Morgan. We had a blast, and really enjoyed talking to your mom, too.
  12. Happy Birthday, Plastic Eyeball!!!!!!! Hope it's a stellar day (or at least that it doesn't suck)!
  13. Dude! Happy birthday! Can't tell you what a pleasure it was hanging out in Feb. See you this weekend!
  14. The "2007" was the fault of the artist (hard to make 5 posters that fit together all at once), and it was fixed by the artist with acrylic paint at the venue (at no extra charge), not white out, so they are collector's items, not mistakes.* *I've been sitting in the freezing rain all day watching my wife and her mother run a marathon, so I'm a little cranky. But c'mon....
  15. This is definitely my new desktop!!!!
  16. "Leggy Mountbatten went home and tragically..... accepted a teaching post in Australia". Gawd, it wasn't bad enough that my brother and I memorized that whole movie, but my twelve year old did the same, and for a while, any time he had someone over for a sleepover, he made them watch it, assuming they would love it as much as him. In this day and age however, he had to not only explain who Monty Python were, but who the Beatles were (nine year olds!). I told him to give his friends a break for a few years. "C-H-E-E-S-E A-N-D O-N-I-O-N-S ONO..."
  17. She's a tough young lady. Vibes to you both!
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