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Everything posted by j4lackey

  1. Don't tempt me, brother! Actually, it's of Natural Bridge, in the Red River Gorge. Then it's gonna morph into Lou Reed, and a tree in the shape of Dylan's head, etc. Maybe a Pink Floyd pig, or a John Lennon Rock. It's in a Mellow Mushroom Pizza joint, so we're starting with the Natural Bridge, then kinda ad-libbing from there. I hope it goes well. The first section is on BEADBOARD!
  2. I feel bad about starting this thread. And now I have to go paint a mural, and there is nothing I can do about it. No, I thought about that, then I thought, "Y'know, James Blunt is about sucking more than he is about music".
  3. "Paging Ms. Kidsmoke, Ms. Donna Kidsmoke..."
  4. These are beautiful, Maudie. Thanks. SO sad. I wanted to change this sig I've had for a year, but what's another year... Rest In Peace, St G.
  5. That works pretty nicely. You still need to clean your car windows, however.
  6. I'm excited. Never got to see Pavement.
  7. Jeebus, I was just tryin to have a little fun... And I was just getting ready to post my pics.
  8. They said it was Jay, but he was wearing a Nixon mask, so it's hard to say for sure.
  9. That's good stuff, right there!
  10. It was teh allsome!!! I forgot the password and almost didn't get in, but luckily ran into Calliber and Sir Stewart, and they got me in! The free drinks led to a few fights, but all the surprise guests were amazing! Pollard, Coyne, Malkmus, Neko, etc. Neil Young was still taking a solo when I left around sunup. I've got to go get some sleep. Happy New Year!
  11. rustradio.org is playing some shows from earlier this month.
  12. Happy Birthday from the J4's, Edie. I hope it's a wonderful one!
  13. I couldn't be married to her. She looks perpetually dissatisfied.
  14. Hey watch it, I'm at work! Happy Birthday, Neil!
  15. Just finished setting up a drum set. Quietly. Bedtime. Merry Christmas all you good people of VC.
  16. We'll be thinking of you guys, Edie.
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