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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. God, I actually feel bad for Andy.
  2. I thought Earl last night was even better than the Office. That show really came on strong at the end of the season. (Ethan Suplee as Randy Hickey is the most underrated actor on television.)
  3. I'll add a 2 year margin of error.
  4. I have heard it. But still, Wilco is an American rock band, with all of the trappings that come along with that. Their infuences are mostly based before 1975.
  5. I must've missed Wilco's hip hop album.
  6. I don't mind "Suddenly I See." Nothing wrong with a little unassuming pop song. Of course, it hasn't been shoved down my throat but, really, that wouldn't make me hate her or the song. Not her fault.
  7. That one guy seems to be arguing with someone he agrees with just to make the other person sound like they don't agree with him, or something.
  8. Alright, I want to build a guitar starting next fall, and was wondering where I should go to learn how to do it and how much I should be looking to spend. Any tips? That's a beauty, by the way.
  9. Marlins game was rained out tonight. That is one way to avoid a 4 game sweep, huh?
  10. So gay people give you the heebie-jeebies, is what you are trying to say?
  11. I was offering a different opinion than hers. She doesn't like that he takes his gloves off and what not, I think it's perfectly fine. That mini-rant was also because I had Goose Gossage's thing about Joba in mind and had been discussing it earlier today. Sorry for the confusion.
  12. I didn't realize conversations weren't allowed to move past the initial question. Guess we should close up every thread on the board.
  13. I've never bought into the "gentleman rules" of baseball. If Joba wants to freak out every time he strikes someone out in the 8th, let him. If Manny wants to walk to first on a home run, let him. If the opponents have a problem with it, they can do something about it, but I'm not going to fault someone for being natural during a game. If that's what they want to do, let them do it.
  14. They should trade Santana for David Eckstein.
  15. I know I "hate" the Red Sox and all, but I do love Manny. That's a guy who gets that it is, after all, just a game.
  16. Did you guys see Manny in today's game in Baltimore? Makes an over the shoulder catch at the warning track, jumps up, high fives a fan in the first row and then turns fires the ball to the infield to double off the guy at first. Manny is so cool.
  17. Is that a theatrical release or is it a TV show?
  18. Yeah, I'm gonna agree with that. I don't like how they look carved out of wood...
  19. I'm pretty sure he was joshing you, but, gun to my head, I'd say that it is because you post 10,000 word diatribes written by people who agree with you as if they were fact instead of opinions (Opinions by people of varying degrees of expertise, but still an opinion). It was part of a bit to get you to do the same in this instance.
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