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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. I have like 5 (now, 6, I guess) posts on the topic. Don't flatter yourself.
  2. The kicker is we've got a layover, so I get to do the whole thing 2 times tomorrow (and landing is no picnic for me either!)
  3. I'm sure this has been done before, but does anyone know any good ways of calming down prior to a flight on a plane? See, I get really nervous on flights, so much so that I usually have panic attacks during take off. Was wondering if anyone had any suggestions to calm my nerves prior to a flight, and make it as relaxing as possible? VC usually has the answers for these things, so I figure I'll probably find some help, right?
  4. Yeah, I guess most of it is the names. I think the pitching has to be the key for them. So much talent, let's see if they can stay healthy and put it all together. Interesting fact, apparently PECOTA thinks the Mets are the best team in baseball (from what I read on Unfiltered on BP, anyways. If anyone has an actual subscription, they can verify, and maybe be a doll and post their predicted standings).
  5. This wasn't smarmy or elitist enough. Try and stay on topic, please.
  6. Am I the only one who thinks the Tigers are going to be overrated this year? I've heard people talking about them in the same breath as Murderer's Row, and that is absolutely ridiculous. Cabrera is one of the 5 best hitters in the game, but I don't see the strength of the lineup otherwise. I don't think Granderson is going to OPS 1.000 against righties again (though, he probably won't OPS .500 against lefties either), so I see him coming down a bit from last year. Magglio Ordonez just had one of the all time flukey seasons, imo, and will go back to being the steady .850 OPS guy he was. Sheffie
  7. That one guy should post the twilight zone theme again. That was so funny the 6 times he did it.
  8. I am loving "It's Just That Simple". I always thought it was some goofy throwaway, but knowing how happy it makes John to play it, I can't help but smile when I hear it now.
  9. Just what are they teaching you up at that school?
  10. Ah, ok. Seemed like an odd reaction.
  11. Man, the trolls are in full force lately.
  12. Are you actually excited about LeBron being injured? You stay classy.
  13. ellsworth 35 watch me fall 27 Treehug'n Dirt Worshipper 25 JUDE
  14. I wouldn't really have a problem with it, assuming they supported the republican candidate. But seeing as how they seem to be on the Obama teet, I don't see it happening. Bad example.
  15. MA aren't proper Wilco records, and KT Is a live album. So yeah. Good job.
  16. Just finished this one up, it's a must read for football fans. I couldn't put it down, it's a great story of a young football prospect, and it's also about the evolution of football in the last 20 years. Anyone who read Lewis' Moneyball will be familiar with his skill of mixing story telling with analysis.
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