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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. I think it opens them for trading for Cabrera (the good one). They'll be more willing to part with some pitching now with Garland. I disagree that this says anything to any players. MLB is still doing nothing about it, so they face no real threat of getting punished, short of the absolutely slim to none chance that the government gets involved. I bet every player who was considering taking them or is currently taking them won't think twice about Bonds getting tried for perjury. Like I said, if he had just said "yeah, I used steroids" on the grand jury, nothing would have happened. So rea
  2. Good on you, Mikey. Thats a lot of money for a guy whose gonna hit like 50 home runs over the course of the contract, but I'm a fan of him, so I'm happy for him.
  3. Bonds being tried for perjury doesn't show the other players anything except that on the off chance you are brought before a grand jury (which likely won't happen to 99.9% of players), you shouldn't lie. If he tells the truth to the grand jury and says he used, you know what his penalties are? Nothing.
  4. My best Wilco moment would have to be the Living Room Show.
  5. He was terrible in his first stint as a starter. Terrible is actually an understatement.
  6. Talk about guys who have no shot. I like Kucinich.
  7. As someone who is not a fan of the Mets, I love them giving 39 million to Yorvit Torrealba and Luis Castillo.
  8. You are missing out. The Awesome Blossom is something else.
  9. I thank the sweet soul who got the hook up. This album is worth it for "Maybe I'm Amazed" alone. That ranks up there with anything anyone has ever done.
  10. The lyrics are a response to the fact that people think he wrote bad lyrics. I think the fact that they are self consciously simple makes them immune from your barbs.
  11. Jesus4prez is making the dirt worshipper guy look like less of an asshat, even though he all but called El Coolest Kid On The Block a lazy guy who is stealing jobs from hard working middle class Americans/Africans. Dear Jesus, You have purchased things in your life, no? Murderer! The blood is on your hands, fascist pig!
  12. This of course means Tebow will win the Heisman. I was opposed to this before I looked at his numbers more closely. When I saw he has 42 total TD's, I was more OK with it.
  13. The Golden Panther pick up their first win in over 2 years tomorrow. I'm calling it.
  14. I heard SBS in it's entirety at the school bookstore the other day.
  15. Anything the Beatles did before Rubber Soul, but gun to my head, I'd say "She Loves You".
  16. Ah. I don't have "Maybe I'm Amazed" on my pc. What the fuck?!?!? Anyone want to hook a brother up with a copy of "McCartney"?
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