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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. I'm probably going to listen to Radiohead next Tuesday anyways.
  2. The difference in quality between the stuff on Love and the original CD releases is pretty big.
  3. I was just talking about this yesterday. Glad someone listened.
  4. No. I made it home. Sorry. I think this things pretty much locked up no matter who I vote for, but yeah. I think that is just about it.
  5. So I suppose the best way to justify my vote is like this: As much as it pains me to do so, I had to vote against my ideals. I had to put aside my disdain for the 2 party system and put my trust in a man who I do think has the potential to do a good job, but who may not be able to given the circumstances. But, this is no time for idealism. And I hope Barack himself understands that. He's looking at a possible filibuster proof majority, so he would be able to push almost anything he wants through. And that's a lot of power at a time when what we need is for the president to have less power, n
  6. Yes, lou. You are the victim. Whatever. I voted for barrack. Yay. I'll be writing something more a little later, but that's it for now.
  7. So ignoring all evidence to the contrary, all young people are racists because a couple of kids? Come the fuck on, man. You'll have outliers in any group. But to the vast majority of young people, race isn't important. We are divided much more along class lines than anything.
  8. It's a chicken/egg question, really. I just don't remember it being a big thing for democrats until '04, and I think it's fair to say that losing a close elections with that as a factor probably influenced that. I'm not pretending racism doesn't exist, just that it doesn't really matter to most people of my generation, and that personally, I hate that it gets brought up as a reason to vote for him, as louis often does. And louie, I personally do know some young black (and Latino, and Indian, etc) voting for McCain because race doesn't matter to them one way or the other.
  9. and yet I'm the one who doesn't read your posts, louie... Good bit.
  10. louie, you keep on bringing race up. I can honestly tell you that to most people of my age group, race doesn't matter. It makes me really sad that people try to use it as a case for as well as against obama.
  11. Yes. If he wins that election, I don't see it becoming a big issue for democrats, that's my Point.
  12. I would argue Nader is a big reason that the environment had become a pet issue for the democratic party.
  13. be decided to step out of line to grab lunch. Got my sample ballot, so I'm gonna sit down and think hard about all of it. Line apparentlydies down at 1 every day.
  14. I've been saying it for a while, nick's good people. Bullheaded at times, but we all are. At least it's a beautiful day today. 65 degrees and not a cloud in sight. Kind of don't mind standing in line for 2 hours on a day like this.
  15. Happy birthday, journalism guru to the stars!
  16. I loved it the first time around. They are doing 2nd round games at Dolphins stadium and I"m definitely going to try to catch one. Should be an absolute blast.
  17. You know what, it's not worth it. You are so god damned closeminded to anyone who disagrees with you. Fuck it, you are right. Actually, the other stuff is why I'm considering him right now. But I don't really want to.
  18. He's a black democratic candidate. Is your post some kind of revelation? African Americans vote Democratic something like 80% of the time anyways (and I'm sure the number is far higher in Chicago), so it's not like it's exactly unexpected. What I am getting from your posts is that I am missing out on this because he is black. As in, my not voting for him is my voting against a black president. Maybe I'm reading more into your post than is there, but that's what I'm getting out of it (among other smug dickishness that I've ignored because I'm heading out the door to vote). People fucking di
  19. Yeah, the season was postponed like a week because of 9/11. That's where "Mr. November" came from.
  20. You wouldn't set yourself up for ridicule if you weren't actively being a dick and talking down to people. God damn... I know, I know..
  21. Dolphins can only win when they play good teams, apparently..
  22. Panthers seem to be repeating their usual pattern of underperforming for the first 3/4 of the season...
  23. I think the more I listen to it, the more I think Fate is their strongest record.
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