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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. I have to say my experiences, being 20, probably differ from your all's.
  2. This is true. If you are wearing sweatpants and are home alone, chances are you've been good to go before the movie even started. This thread is not safe for work.
  3. Christ, that's a hell of a fucking story. Here's the back and forth I had with someone said on another board I go on when he posted the story (He's a diehard McCain supporter): "Imagine what would happen in this country if he ever got assassinated." - him "I Really hate the implication there." - me "I really don't give a shit, I'll even say it in unequivocal terms so as to erase any implication: If something happens to Barack Obama, the Black community in the United States will riot like no one has ever seen." - him
  4. Man, neon. Every time people start liking you, you go and do something like this. Now you're going to be the butt of jokes for the next week. Good job.
  5. So Louie is ok with lobbyists. But not third party candidates.
  6. We're already too far gone as a country to be saved, obviously.
  7. Before the great crash of 08, I had 50 gb. I"m back up to about 15.
  8. It's actually 120 GB, but that's should solve your problem. And it's only $250. I just have to wait til my sister gets back home for fall break and starts working at the apple store again to get that 15% discount.
  9. they have the one size fits all 160 gb now. I'll probably be copping one of those soon.
  10. No, I actually think it would be a good song for them to play. It's very tongue in cheek and satirical (at least in my eyes), and it would fit right in with Colbert's style, in my opinion. Jeez, can you not jump down my throat?
  11. Does anyone else get the feeling he listened to too much "Elevation" or "Vertigo" when making "Majick". Wow, that song is bad.
  12. Jeff's backing vocals on that song are sublime...
  13. Seriously, what the fuck is with the whole Radiohead bit...
  14. Well, if we're going to bail out the companies who did it, the individuals should get some help too, I suppose.
  15. Man, his first two albums are so good. Then he became a caricature of himself. He stopped saying things that made you think (offensive as they were) and just started saying things for the gross out factor...
  16. So rather than trumpeting it as the answer to our economic woes, shouldn't we look to it as an example of an emergency safety net? Are things bad enough where we need it yet? I don't think so. It should be kept in the back of our minds if things get so bad that we are dealing with double digit unemployment and massive food shortages, but I wouldn't be very optimistic if Obama tried to revisit the New Deal it as a way to stimulate the economy, as FHF suggests. I'm not very confident in either's abilities to get the economy going again in their term. But I also don't think either will have muc
  17. Did the new deal really do much of anything to get us out of the depression?
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