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Sir Stewart

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Everything posted by Sir Stewart

  1. Nearly but not exactly the same - Clinton suspended the roll call in 2008 and released her delegates before Obama reached the number needed. The full roll call happened yesterday with Vermont passing its turn so Sanders could release his delegates/suspend the roll call at the end, way after Hillary had the numbers needed. Not sure if she had the numbers when it was Vermont's initial turn, but it seemed like more of a concession to Bernie supporters than Hillary's got in 2008.
  2. Lennon being killed didn't affect me in the moment, I guess due to being seven when I did not 100% know the Beatle names individually, which is a bit shocking to me - my kid has known the names for as long as I can recall and she's still not seven. My parents only had Sgt Pepper's in with their Pavarotti and Sinatra and Erroll Garner and the Mame soundtrack. Did everyone in the '60s just have Sgt Pepper's by default? By the time I was five Sgt Pepper's and its visuals were as important to me as Mister Rogers and my imaginary friends. But yeah still didn't for sure know all their names, which I
  3. Joan Cornellà's work is very much his own.
  4. You talking about Laserblast? My first memory is probably the eruption of Mt St Helens in 1980 (born in '73) which apparently happened in May. Lennon's December death definitely outshines that one (inc. sobbing teachers gathered in my classroom) now, but damn that volcano freaked me the fuck out. Being in the Boston area, I couldn't have been much further from the danger.
  5. tinnitus, did you grow up pronouncing their name the (one syllable) "Kyour" instead of "Kyur"? A DJ here in Pittsburgh is from Boston and she mentioned how she and everybody always said it like "You heard the new Kyour?" and I was laughing, realizing I've always said it that way and no one outside of NE does.
  6. Started watching that new Maria Bamford Netflix series. I generally like her, I appreciate that's she's working through mental health issues, I saw a ton of hype from comics on Twitter praising it, congratulating her. I turned it off 2/3rds into episode one. Let that insular world congratulate itself with its whatever, turning Hollywood inside out or something, I don't give a shit about it. Patton Oswalt shows up in character and breaks character to warn Maria against using standup within the show. Come on, sendups are over. Just make shit funny and/or poignant. The first five minutes had prom
  7. This is the most excited I've been about a Beck song since 2007's Timebomb. Hopefully it's a sign of another fun Beck album, finally.
  8. Yes, we do seem to react similarly when we are feverishly against something, no matter the basis of our arguments.
  9. It all helps him. I feel like the only thing that could bring down Trump is if he converted to Islam.
  10. Been enjoying all the love radio has given Dylan today on his 75th birthday. Now it's night and I'm down a YouTube rabbit hole with Clinton Heylin's book on my knee, and just discovered a gorgeous unfinished tune, "On A Rainy Afternoon", which is apparently on the 18-disc Cutting Edge release. I've replayed it five times in a row, once again blown away by Bob, for the Zimmyenth time. It's fascinating to consider this tune as pre-motorcycle crash, pre-Basement; maybe proof that his sensibilities were heading to a "softer", more melodic path anyway.
  11. Hi, Michael, my brother from the same mother, has had a rough few years and teaching chess has played a huge part in his healing. Now he's hoping to expand that teaching to a larger population of kids who would benefit in countless ways. Check out his story and if you're so inclined, there's the option to donate too. Thanks y'all. https://www.gofundme.com/PostTBItoKidsChess
  12. LouieB is making all kinds of sense up in here.
  13. This whole thing seems like a disastrous miscalculation.
  14. Thanks for mentioning this! It is indeed free and I did it - my iTunes library is now uploaded and streaming from the Google Play phone app. Hot DAMN!
  15. Admittedly the timing of the Tubman announcement had a certain effect on me - a week before then, I was in DC with my family and got to take my daughter all around (wife was at a conference mostly), and I bought her a Harriet Tubman graphic novel at the MLK Memorial gift shop. I listened as my wife read the whole thing to her on the drive back home and was floored by the full tale (certainly dramatized for max effect in that format but still) of her life, and thought about how little Tubman is mentioned in pop culture ... so ...
  16. I can't answer before knowing what you mean by "She was vita groups for what she is known for" John.
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