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Everything posted by imdwalrus

  1. I really wish the lighting was better. But I did find my new background.
  2. I would NEVER move, though. That guy was seriously jammin'. There was no sarcasm in my letter at all. I was being serious.
  3. Dude, it's like Chris Rock using the N word. It's okay.
  4. FINALLY! I know what Edie looks like.
  5. Dear Fat Dude From Superbad: Thank you for choosing to sit in front of me last night. Your over-zealous rocking out made me think I was at a Quiet Riot show, circa 1981. The way you used your seat as a rocking chair really showed how much you can jam. As someone who has attended numerous Wilco shows, I can attest to the extent your flailing arms and finger pointing (mimicking a drummer playing the bass line) helped the band power through the performance. And the scratching of your dandruff into my beer helped take my concert experience to a new level. When you screeched like a girl for
  6. WTF? Clint Howard is awesome! That is a huge compliment! His work, and inclusion, in Gung Ho, Parenthood, and Nightshift alone warrant him the respect and admiration of millions.
  7. Has anybody ever told Craig that he looks like Clint Howard?
  8. With a name like Ledger, you'd think he would've jumped.
  9. Don't be so modest. That's a great photo you took.
  10. Better to show off your shit mistakes with....... I heard Jeff is going green and not wiping. "If you care about the environment, stop wiping your ass."
  11. Dude...you obviously have never seen the American version of The Office.
  12. Rainn Wilson is also in the American version of The Office. It's a show that's sort of a documentary, but not really. It's weird. I think it's on Fox or CBS, can't remember. Lawrence Taylor is also in it, he plays the robot cleaning lady.
  13. Here's an awesome version I upped to YouTube from the Millennium Park show. And during soundcheck:
  14. Yeah, most people won't talk to me from the other stall, let alone share the same one.
  15. I didn't see that red t-shirt at the show. Anybody have any info on it or a pic?
  16. No, it says 'Sara' - the other side says 'Smile'. He's a huge Hall & Oates fan.
  17. I knew I should have gone onto OR!!! How was Salumi, UP?
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