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Everything posted by kidsmoke

  1. Aw, sympathies, Moss! So sorry for your loss. I'm not very sure about what the afterlife holds for us, but if I don't get to see some beloved pets who've passed on, it'll be an absolute deal-breaker for me. I'm completely counting on some sort of overjoyed reunion. Pets can be one of the very finest, sweetest things in life. Rest in peace, Emma, until you and Moss meet again.
  2. If you've got spares for this venue, I'm your gal. I hope somebody has a pair they don't need, or find they unexpectedly cannot use. Let me know, if so!
  3. Hi Everyone, We have gotten a few reports from members saying that they have been unable to post. They are able to contact us by pm, and able to view the board content, but not post. If this has happened to you, please be advised that we are aware of this glitch and are working to determine its cause and remedy the problem. You can always contact us if you have anything to add. This seems to be affecting only a very small number of members, and we will get it resolved as quickly as possible. Sorry for the inconvenience to those of you who have been affected!
  4. Nels, we love ya, baby! Keep bringing the joyous rock!
  5. I have only the vaguest sense of what they are saying, but it's got a beat and you can dance to it. Love their music!
  6. Revolutionary pop propaganda! Thank you for sharing this, comrade!
  7. Those look both comfortable and stylish. Nice! What exactly is that?
  8. Hi Robert! Hope your 2012 exceeds the glories of your 2011!
  9. This looks like a history I'd love to read! And I will have to add this to my reading list as well! I get the best reading recommendations here!
  10. Tell me what you've resolved to do in 2012 to make it better...whether it's your own world (a better you makes a better planet!) or the world at large. How do you plan to improve things? I'm going to work on exercising more regularly, and I'm going to try to give more, whether it is tangible things, or time and attention, whatever. I want to give more. I hear fireworks and airhorns blasting around the neighborhood. Clearly my neighbors are happy to bid farewell to 2011. It was a year full of excitement, but I'm definitely ready to move on!
  11. Happy New Year, everyone! May 2012 bring us a peaceful and prosperous world, with new adventures and new loves! Not that I'm advocating forgetting our old loves. Let's just add more love into our lives. And remember: Moderation in all things, especially moderation.
  12. This is proving to be a captivating story! The first of hers I've read, but I'll want to read more.
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r5jNCZzTkvI
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pqbFOHPiwQI
  15. Still a great movie. Love Danny Devito's character, "Owen". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k1900A_ktEg
  16. She was fun in "Your Highness". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R7H4D-AiKXk
  17. I've gotten more practical in my present requests, as I've gotten older, and I love that Brennan remembered when I admired a nice little paring knife one day when we were out Christmas shopping. My old one was pretty worn out and wouldn't even sharpen very well. So Bren got me a lovely little light, razor-sharp Victorinox paring knife. I have red and green bell peppers to dice up for dinner, and I'm actually looking forward to the job! A sharp knife makes cooking prep so much more enjoyable. Looking sharp!
  18. You have some pretty great, supportive co-workers. Nice. Aw, thanks, Mr. K! See you at a Wilco show soon!
  19. I love this picture of Jeff. He was an adorable little boy! One of my very favorite Christmas presents was a big boxful of new books...10 of them!...from my soon-to-be daughter-in-law, Sarah (She & Tom will marry in March) How well she knows me! Being without books is like being without air to me, and I was fresh out of good reading material. These run the gamut in subject matter, and all of them look intriguing. What a nice way to begin a new year!
  20. Hi Beth! Peace and joy to you & yours, and a brilliant 2012! We are enjoying the small luxuries Christmas brought us. Plump new pillows that are almost too fat for their cases, and leftover handmade Christmas tamales. Life is good!
  21. Just got a copy of The Graduate. Amazing how well it has aged, and how strikingly original and fresh it still feels.
  22. I love this video...it makes me giggle helplessly! Thanks for sharing, PopTodd.
  23. Ahhh, I love the days immediately after Christmas, with all the lead-up stress over and finally just time to relax in each others' company and play with new toys and eat whatever cookies are left after Santa's visit! I spent much of today putting the house back into normal order, and laundering new Christmas-present-clothes. Fun to have time to play games and watch videos with the kids, without them being so busy with schoolwork, for a change! Happy post-Christmas, post- holidays, friends. Hope you are getting to slow down and enjoy these mid-winter days.
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