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Everything posted by jcroach

  1. Yeah, that's my theory too. If Christian isn't MiB, that would be major reveal. He's just been too instrumental in setting everything up. Leading Claire away from Aron, sending the island through time, sending John off the island, etc. I assume that he appeared to her as Christian at first to gain her trust, then introduced her to his true self, so she sees him as he is, not as everyone else sees him (as Locke). But is she really "claimed"? If so, how? Did she die and go into the water too? But wouldn't it have been clear before? Didn't the temple others know that if the water wasn't clear
  2. Yeah, I bet this will be answered the next time they show claire. Why "Friend" and not "Locke"? Does she see him as someone else or has he just showed her his true nature, kind of like Sawyer can see? Or is she just crazy? Yeah, I'm still waiting for Miles to have a purpose in this whole thing. They keep stringing him along but not doing anything. They have to be saving him for something. The first thing my wife said was "That's a horrible photoshop job" No, she didn't time travel at all from when Ben turned the wheel until "now" which is 3 years later, island time. I think
  3. Theory not based on a spoiler, so not in the spoiler tag: u2roolz's suggestion that the MiB's home is the alt reality is really intriguing..........have to think about that one some more. It certainly feeds into some of the theories that the "flash sideways" shows what the character's lives would have been like if they had never been touched/called by Jacob. Well, what would MiB's life have been like if he's never met Jacob?
  4. Loved the scene with Adam and Eve! I think that was a total throw to the fans that have wondered about it. My guess is that we'll see who it is. My money is still on Jin and Sun. One is a candidate, one isn't. One may follow the dark (Jin, MiB) the other may follow the light (Sun, Jacob). They chose each other instead of MiB or Jacob. Who's coming to the island? My money is on . Based mostly on a spoiler. My guess is that Jack's son's Mom is his wife/ex-wife from the original timeline. Regardless of Jacob's interference, they still marry and break up, just in slightly different wa
  5. Hummmm. Monday I would have said that of course Sayid went to the Island and shot Ben in 1977 because it happened before the incident and What Happened, Happened, but now I'm not so sure. Up until this season, I always assumed that the Dharma people evacuated, the incident happened, then most of them, like Ethan, came back. He was there in 1989 to help Ben steal baby Alex. After "The Incident" and then this season, I'm not so sure.
  6. Shit, you're right. The only way this would make sense under my new theory would be if The DI would have found and come to the island regardless of the influence of Jacob, but that seems unlikely. Had I warned him about the scaffolding, tomorrow he'd be hit by a taxi. Had I warned him about the taxi, he'd fall in the shower and break his neck. The universe, unfortunately, has a way of course-correcting. That man was supposed to die; that was his path. Just as it's your path to go to the island. You don't do it because you choose to, Desmond. You do it because you're supposed to. -- El
  7. Actually, after this week, I'm leaning more this way. Ben being off the island sealed it for me. If we see Widmore, Hawking, Faraday, Alpert, Pierre Chang or Horace Goodspeed, I'll really be convinced. I would think that they would have died if the island had sunk in 1977.
  8. OK, last night threw off my theory. Why was Ben Linus be off the island in the alt-reality? The last we saw him in 1977, Richard was taking him into the temple. How did he survive the explosion? My theory is all messed up now. And if we ever see Faraday off the island, how did his Mom get off the island? Maybe they both got off the same way that the losties in the main reality got from 1977 to 2007? Jacob? I think this makes me change my mind about "Adam and Eve." I thought before that they were Rose and Bernard. My guess now is that they are Jin and Sun. One candidate (white), one n
  9. I wouldn't be so sure..... Yes, the bomb went off. It was not the incident. It sunk the island and Flight 815 landed safely at LAX, although the passengers on board were slightly different because their pre-2004 lives weren't influenced by the island. The bomb may or may not have gone off, but regardless, the actions of "The Incident" WERE the incident. The Dharma Initiative still built the Swan station. Desmond still came to the island and failed to push the button. Flight 815 still crashed, the survivors did live on the island, some left, the others flashed back to 1977 to set off t
  10. Anyone else notice that Claire's ultrasound was dated one month later than the original Flight 815? I didn't catch it myself. Saw it on Lostpedia. I've turned into a full blown fanboy in like 7 months.
  11. I've read that the two timelines is THE mystery of the season. It'll take the whole season to figure out/reveal. Did the nuke work? Yes, and No. In the "main" timeline, they all remember the Darma Initiative, of course. In the alt timeline, there's nothing to remember, because they were never there. Or were they?.....
  12. I agree it was a set-up episode. I was just disappointed they did this so soon after the premiere. Bingo. I was disappointed in the lack of interesting action for Miles. What's his point any more? Will his story come around this season? Or is he just there to crack the jokes that Hurley and Sawyer used to crack and get people water/help bury bodies? I did enjoy that "we'll be in the food court" and "Yeah, didn't you hear, Hurley's in charge now." lines. Also, how do any of the 1977 characters know about the Ajira flight landing? Kind of a plot whole there. From the Lostpedia for
  13. Here's a question to show you all how old I am: What's a "ring back"?
  14. See thoughts inside the spoiler tag
  15. Not sure I agree with all those statements. See above. Hum..... Did enjoy the wild theories on Lostpedia. Also, is it really a spoiler if the episode has already aired? Some other thoughts:
  16. Is this the company that's buying Dunder Mifflin? the Scott's Totts episode was damn funny. the rest.....take it or leave it. My favorite comedies on TV right now, in order Big Bang Theory Modern Family Community Parks and Rec The Middle The Office Parks and Rec has gotten way better this year. And how often have there been 2 TV shows set in Indiana on at the same time?!?! (Parks and Rec & The Middle). Go Hoosier state! Scrubs is better now that JD finally left, but still not great. My wife likes Cougar Town but I just don't get it.
  17. Looks like those first 4 minutes are up on ABC.com now too. http://abc.go.com/watch/lost/93372 Anybody catch the Promo during Desperate Housewives last night? Good stuff on there, especially if you've been following the spoilers. Some other similar promos are up on DarkUFO too. 36 hours!
  18. Looks like youtube just pulled it.
  19. First 4 minutes posted on DarkUFO and Youtube. The first 2 minutes are recap. If you watch, you'll only be mildly spoiled! No real mysteries solved. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7SKFiWfDDAA
  20. Anyone catch the re-airing of the Season 5 finale last night? I'm ready for next week! My wife ask a question that I've never thought about. When did Jacob visit Ilana and why was she bandaged up? She obviously knew him, but it could have taken place years before 2007. Also, what is Frank a candidate for? I never noticed that the blade that the piece of tapestry was pinned to the wall of the shack with was the same one that Jacob was using to fillet the fish at the beginning. What's in Hurley's suitcase? Saw this on the Lostpedia page: "The things the police officer gives back to Hurley
  21. Did you notice that he didn't actually touch Ilana? What's that about?
  22. I thought I had posted on this thread, but I guess I haven't! I'm all geeked up for the season premiere. 3 weeks! I had never watched a single episode until this summer. Then my wife's co-worker let us borrow season one and I was hooked from the first episode! Watched the first 4 seasons on DVD, then watch season 5 on Hulu. Couldn't get enough. And I agree. I'm not sure I would have enjoyed it as much if I had to wait a week between episodes. I would have lost the details and been less interested in the mystery. I've read a few spoilers, but I'll try not to mention them.
  23. Small shows are great! I saw them at the Buskirk Chumley theater in Bloomington in 1999. Capacity 640. Saw them at Axis (now Jake's) in Bloomington a week before YHF was released in 2002. That place can't hold more than 500.
  24. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TVRzk3VWOKY
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