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Everything posted by jcroach

  1. H.O.R.D.E. Festival 1995 compilation CD. Wilco contributes "I Must Be High" Anyone know if this is live or or the album version?
  2. Awesome. Reminds me of that clip of Jay playing part of Sunday Bloody Sunday between songs. http://www.wilcobase.com/event.php?event_key=510 Here's the clip from Soldier Field. Bono is so cheesy, but i love him.
  3. According to this site: www.u2portugal.com A little disappointed they didn't include the 2 live tracks from "Wide Awake in America": Bad (Live from Birmingham, UK) and A Sort of Homecoming (Live from Wembley).
  4. Thanks. Still waiting for a track listing of that second disc!
  5. Saw those yesterday too. very odd, but he's got an amazing classic arcade cabinet collection. Jealous!
  6. Two new Ryan Adams tracks available today. http://store.ryanada.ms/ Lost and Found Go Ahead and Rain Ordered this morning but I haven't been able to download yet.
  7. You may be right. http://www.nonesuch.com/media/videos/wilco-impossible-germany-live-on-austin-city-limits
  8. Added Impossible Germany (Date?/Location?) - "Rock The Net: Musicians For Network Neutrality" compilation CD. Buy CD from Amazon.com. Anyone know the date or location of this recording?
  9. Found it! http://www.amazon.com/impossible-germany-live/dp/B001CEXYYW How did that slip past me? Still no details on recording date and location. Released July 29th. "Album only" on Amazon. ugh! You can hear the full song here: http://www.thirstyear.com/rockthenet/
  10. Hum, The only thing interesting on there is: Impossible Germany (Live) “Rock The Net: Musicians For Network Neutrality” Hadn't heard of that one. Anybody have any details? Was this digital only or available in stores? Any idea of the source? Date/location?
  11. http://forums.viachicago.org/topic/40247-unlikely-japan/page__fromsearch__1
  12. No, I have not heard anything about this. Please post more info if you find it and I'll include it in the discography.
  13. They finally spelled John's name right! 5 of the songs are on their myspace page. Must have missed that earlier!
  14. Are these shows broadcast live or taped for a later broadcast?
  15. Never heard of the "Dear Impossible" demos. When were these recorded? What's on them? EDIT: Never mind. found them. They are the video tracks he's been posting to the web, right?
  16. Dude! You just beat me to this. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Stanley_%28album%29 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gene_Simmons_%28album%29 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ace_Frehley_%28album%29 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Criss_%28album%29 All released on the same day, September 18, 1978. From Allmusic.com
  17. jcroach


    My wife bought me a copy at the local mega grocery. She said that the check out boy's reaction was "Wilco? Isn't he dead yet?" Ahhh......Ok. Let's count up what's wrong with that sentence..... EDIT: Whooo! that was my 500th post!
  18. Amazon only has this listed as an import. I assume there will be a US release also, right?
  19. And Nels? I didn't think he was there either. After the fact overdubs? The interview he did at Bonnaroo implied that even his part on the album version was just overdubs.
  20. Added 7 Worlds Collide version of "You Never Know."
  21. I never noticed this song on there. It'll be interesting to hear an early/different version of this great song. Always nice to hear more of John's vocals. looking forward ot this release.
  22. Added "Jesus, Etc." Live with Andrew Bird from the "Funny People" soundtrack. This is supposedly the Tanglewood August 12, 2008 performance. Can anyone confirm this?
  23. OK, I'm still confused. What show do people think this is from?
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