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Everything posted by jcroach

  1. These tracks from that stand have been released, but were not on the CDs: How to Fight Loneliness (5-2005 The Vic, Chicago, IL) - MP3/FLAC bonus track with pre-order of “Kicking Television: Live in Chicago” from musictoday.com Theologians (5-2005 The Vic, Chicago, IL) - Think Indie “Sky Blue Sky” promo EP Monday (5-2005 The Vic, Chicago, IL) - iTunes bonus track with “Kicking Television: Live in Chicago”
  2. I hear you. I wonder the same thing when I'm watching something like "The Daily Show" and they dig up 10 year old footage of senator looking like a hypocrite. Can you imagine the database of footage or the hours of tape they had to watch?
  3. Sawyer mentioned back in season 3's "Tricia Tanaka Is Dead" that he used to watch Little House on the Prairie. I think I only remember that because I've only been watching the show about 9 months! I saw season 3 about 6 months ago! It was a nice touch to the previous seasons. I'm waiting to read a transcript of the episode to see what they were saying on the Little House episode. The mom reference was unusual and so was his interactions with Claire. He did say a couple of weeks ago that he used to be a normal man. Makes me wonder what their "relationship" was like in the 3 years t
  4. i think you've got the 6. There's been a lot of debate on Lospedia about this, but I think you're right. Some people think that there's no way Ilana could be counting Sayer or Sayid, becuase they're on Locke's side, but I don't think she's counting anyone on Jacob's list/cave/lighthouse out just yet. And I think Kate is the dark horse/unknown variable in this whole big equation. Yeah, I caught that too. Very odd. Maybe he's just telling people what they want to hear? It looks like both MiB and Jacob make hard bargains with people (Dogan, Sayid, Richard). Can't wait to see how it
  5. Keep in mind that Hurley was only in the Dharma Initiative a few days between when he flashed from the Ajira flight until "The Incident." I like to nitpick in discussions but in the end I don't really care because the stories are so good even with little flubs.
  6. Jack met Richard in 1977 when Jack was looking for Danial Faraday, who had just been shot by his mom. Richard and Eloise helped Jack, Kate and Sayid get the Jughead out of the tunnels. It was in the episode "Follow the Leader" from last season. I think last week's episode was the first time Richard met Hurley. But you'd never get that from the episode. Here's the transcript: Sort of implies that we pick up with them mid conversation. maybe Jack explained to Hurley that he had met Richard before.
  7. Agreed. This was the best episode yet for that kind of juxtaposition. But what about the other characters? Are we to assume that they are redeemed only in the alt timeline too? Sayid seems to be heading down the same path in both.
  8. Exactly. It was late last season, but a few days ago in character time. Did he forget he saw them die or what?
  9. So I've been thinking about this some more. How did Sun go from ruthless businesswoman in season 4's flash forwards, like her confrontations with her father and Charles Widmore, to wanting to kill Ben, to landing on the island and just doing nothing? What's it been, maybe a few weeks character time between when she had a gun held on Ben in "This Place is Death" to the last episode when she asks him to help her with her shelter? What's changed? Did she really want to kill Ben, or was her real goal just to be reunited with Jin and she now sees that Ben isn't her problem. Also, did her and Widm
  10. My theory is that the alt timeline is what would have happened if Jacob had never "touched" anyone. Never lured anyone to the island. Under this theory, the Dharma Initiative still goes to the island, Ben and Roger Linus still go to the island, the DI still tries to build the swan and sink the island, Jack has a son, etc. etc.
  11. My current theory is that Sun and Jin are "Adam and eve" On opposite sides at the end and chose each other over either MiB or Jacob. Then go back in time..........still haven't work that one out yet. You mean, what NOT shot by Sayid, right? ...............
  12. I created that discography that Analogman posted the link to. i can vouch for the accuracy of the information. If you have a source for any better information about any of the tracks, please let me know or post it on that pinned thread. "Airline to Heaven" was credited as a "Kicking Television" outtake, thus the date in the discography. The band didn't specify which night it was from. Yes, the "Spiders (Kidsmoke)" date is correct. Cars Can't Escape was released on Wilcoworld.net right around the same time as Jay Bennett released his version on his "Bigger than Blue" album in April
  13. Great episode last night. I think it was the best one yet that showed the parallels and contrasts between the "main timeline" and the "alt timeline." We also got confirmation that Widmore is coming to the island(!) and that the Dharma Initiative was on the island in the alt timeline (implied by the sunken houses). Miles had an important part, but he, Frank and Sun just seem like extras. What's their purpose? If I have to hear Sun say "Do you know where Jin is?" one more time I'm going to scream!
  14. Ben might of thought he was summoning MiB, but my guess is that he came because he wanted to. I think the producers recently stated that they would be making no comments about the finale after it had aired. Take that as you will.
  15. I think you're probably right with that. Up until last week, I read the spoilers. I'm swearing off them starting now. I know about some things what'll happen in future episodes, but the things that haven't leaked are the most interesting to me. The Hows and Why. Why these people? How has Jacob changed them over the years? What is their destiny(?)?
  16. I expect all questions that revolve around the last one or maybe two seasons, or that have been an ongoing mystery, should be answered. Like, I could care less that the "Hurleybird" is or what happened to Ben's childhood friend "Annie." The two that I really want answered, that might not be fully are "What's the deal with Christin?" and "What did Ben pull from the ventilation system during 'The Lie'" That's second one has been bothering me for a while. Why show something like that if you're not going to explain it?
  17. My wife and I felt the same way. We're expecting our second right now and those scenes brought back a lot of memories, both good and bad. Especially the bitchy nurse and not wanting to leave the hospital. So, they had a ton of parking tickets, all the food in their fridge was surely spoiled, but they got new cabinets out of it. I call that a wash!
  18. I hadn't even thought about that. i would say Nadia because in his linier timeline, we was able to find her again and be with her, until the bus accident, which might have only happened a few weeks ago, in the character's time, while Shannon dies 3 years ago. I got more of a "What are you doing here and how can I use this to my advantage vibe." I think a lot hinges on this. It's one of two thing. Either Kate's not long for this world, or she's the fly in the ointment. The unknown variable. She's #51 on the lighthouse list, but isn't on the wall of the cave. http://www.youtube.
  19. Now THAT is a fascinating idea! Reminds me of the recent Prairie Home Companion, LIVE in HD at theaters last month. http://prairiehome.publicradio.org/features/live-in-hd/ The Metropolitan Opera did this recently too. http://www.metoperafamily.org/metopera/broadcast/hd_events_current.aspx I'd love to see someone do this. It would draw me away from my 27" standard definition TV, that's for sure! There's a blogger on DarkUFO's site named Vozzek69 that puts together excellent, well written, spoiler free episode recaps, if anyone is interested. They're called "Things I Noticed." http:
  20. It would be a problem if Lost ended with Bob waking up from a dream, like he did in the last episode of Newhart! Actually 11, if you could the 2 hour series finale as 1 episode. There's 18 broadcast hours this season and they've aired 6.
  21. Wow. These episodes certainly leave me wanting more and waiting for next week! So, Jacob and MiB are making hard bargains with people. Are Sayid and Claire evil/crazy? Was Claire the only other one that left with MiB? We didn't get our "Who is Christian" question answered yet. What's up with Jin in the freezer? Did he deliver that watch to Keamy? Great appearance by him too! Did you catch Jack in the hospital hallway? So, with MiB right now are Sawyer, Claire, Sayid, Jin(Where was he last night?) and Kate(?). And with the other group (Team Jacob?) are Ben(Who killed Jacob), Ilana, Miles
  22. If any of ya'll are reading the spoilers, there was a MAJOR one released on Dark UFO's site over the weekend. Someone got a hold of the Call Sheets from Episode 13 and good some big scoops on episode 15. Click at your own risk of being spoiled. http://spoilerslost.blogspot.com/2010/02/latest-from-ryan-podcast-feb-28th.html
  23. Thanks for the link. Now added to the discography.
  24. Added "Bull Black Nova", live from Bonnaroo 2009. Free download at http://www.musicforaction.org/
  25. I totally forgot about that! She was acting all weird and loopy after the attack and before she disappeared with Christian, leaving Aron with Miles. Maybe her trauma required treatment like Sayid received? Hence the "branding" by the temple others. Maybe it just made her more susceptible to believing MiB? I think Christian is dead. Dead is dead.
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