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John Smith

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Everything posted by John Smith

  1. My only exposure to folkways is the cd of Leadbelly and Guthrie covers from the late 1980
  2. I'm getting older, my eye sight is not quite what it once was and I concur...though I generally have trouble with most cd's because they use crappy fonts and/or color combos or print over pictures that make it hard to read etc...
  3. This was a Steve Dahl bit for a while trying to figure out what was so nasty that Meatloaf of all people, woudlnto do it.
  4. I've seen it this way many times. I think it's because people don't know the title so they add the (I'm sorry) just like they call Train in Vain Stand by Me when refering to the Clash song.
  5. I've listend to about half of the Ten Redux disc and it is a totally different album. It sounds great. Black, my favorite PJ song, is simply incredible. For me the new album is worth it for that song alone.
  6. It is for sale on Amazon now so it must be true that it will be coming out.
  7. I don't "Hate" country music or any corporate rock...I just don't listen to it.
  8. Mary Lee's Corvette re-did Blood on the tracks Cheap Trick re-did In color
  9. Tickets for Chicago go on sale march 30th
  10. From Jim Degerotis.... SXSW 2009: Neil Young's archives, finally here and absolutely amazing By Jim DeRogatison March 21, 2009 4:21 PM For devoted followers of Neil Young--and, really, what rock fan with a modicum of taste isn't?--the long-rumored, long, long-anticipated first installment of the singer and songwriter's massive box-set career overview has been something of a Holy Grail--and quite possibly just as mythical. But it's here. It exists. (I've seen and touched it!) It's a got a firm, no-kidding release date (June 2). And not only is it absolutely amazing, it quite possibly i
  11. Well two people posted the story here in different threads. That is independent verification so it all must be true.
  12. What exactly should he do then? Should he resign the presidency? Just curious.
  13. I don't believe this is a withholding issue. I think this is an actual tax. I will bet on the W-2's there will be a new box and on 2009's tax forms there will be a nnew line in the tax calc section.
  14. The very nature of expenditures in business, any business is all tied back to justifying them through showing cost savings or increased revenues/income in the future. Increased revenues is not a justification by its self, the revenue increase must translate to profits. At the place I work they must show a justification for the expenditures and of course no one who wants money for a project is going to ask for money with the justification that it may or may not be profitable. They are always profitable on paper and in the planning stages. However when put into action not all work out so wel
  15. I'm fucking around too, lighten up francis.
  16. In your mind I guess not. But then again I seriously doubt anything he does would satisfy you, would it?
  17. No I hear Dodd did insert the offending provision but at the behest of the White House. The legislative record says one thing, the beliveable narrative says another and the right wing noise machine says a third. Eventually we may know the truth, but somehow I doubt it.
  18. I saw that. I had heard, gee vi Fox and Drudge go figure, That Dodd was at the heart of this. Turns out his amendment was changed in conference and it is the changes that LImbaugh, Fox and the rest of them are flogging Dodd for. EVen if they issue retractions, which they won't, the damage is done and people will believe the original lie because it fits their agenda.
  19. I know, no one ever changes their picks, just him.
  20. I'm not sure how many controllers come with the game but you want at least two. A lot of the other stuff is just dwindow dressing and you can live without, except for certain games like guitar hero and rock band etc...
  21. I have a rather large cistern on my house and they can take my rainwater when they pry it from my wet cold body.
  22. This all started last fall when the legislation was rushed through with little debate and with little accountability (by design) built into the TARP program. Half of the funds were dispersed too quickly and as it turns out we basically threw a lot of that money away. They should hold the remaining funding and re-work the legislation if that is legally possible. I am becoming more and more convinced that Geithener is no better equiped for his position than the last guy was. It seems a little more of the foxes guarding the hen house to me.
  23. I used to like ARS way back in HS days. Champagne Jam was the one I had. If I remember correctly it had a nice mellow feeling to it. Maybe Al Stewart meets low key pop Allman brothers? I don't think I have heard it in 20 years or more though. I would get the best of if it is a resonable price. Champagne Jam for $1 though, it can't be that big of a risk.
  24. There are no laws saying debts are excused and or forgiven. There are laws allowing the companies to go to court to seek protection from creditors. And the laws give the courts leeway to re-negotiate the debts etc
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