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ms. yvon

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Everything posted by ms. yvon

  1. ms. yvon


    it's called a "bumper" and used when a show "bumps" to commercial.
  2. *official statement* at no time have my posts knowingly or willingly used steroids. my posts have been swinging 2 bats in the on deck circle all week.
  3. WOO! one of the best things about listening to a webcast: dancing without fear of kicking over my beer! see you on weds. night, peeps!
  4. helio sequence, detroit bar 2.28.2008 -lately -can't say no--woo! -captive mind -don't look away -let it fall apart -harmonica song -shed your love--"this is the electric version" -you can come to me -keep your eyes ahead--"off the BAL-CO-NYYYYY!" -everyone knows everyone -hallelujah--"we don't want answers anyway" -(square)bubbles ________ -tomorrow never knows--"this one's for the die hards" the bar was pretty full and in good spirits after the builders and butches set. (again with the pot lids!) couple o' notes: the music from "keep your eyes ahead" sounds terrific live! i was tr
  5. tonight's show at detroit bar was terrific! it looked like the guys were having a great time. the sound was much better than tuesday. i DID keep a setlist. however, on the way home from the gig i NARROWLY missed getting hit by an out of control car that caught fire. so. i'm going to try to get to sleep (ha.) and i'll post the set list in the morning. there were a couple diff. songs played between shows. both shows closed with "tomorrow never knows."
  6. any luck finding a cake drizzled with margarita? (ok. double choc. ganache sounds fantastic!)
  7. imagine the nickname she'll end up with. oof. hope she makes it! poor kid.
  8. key lime pie key lime pie key lime pie or white cake with whipped cream and fruit. oh yes.
  9. also rad to see the wendy & lisa songs on there. does anyone know if these are instrumental score pieces or songs with lyrics?
  10. LISTEN UP for the most part people are being civil in here, but still the snarky baiting continues. my patience is at an end and i am just about to use some frequent flier miles to deliver civility-how-tos in person to some of you. fun facts: 1. when you post in a thread, even to point out that people are tiresome, the thread is bumped to the top of the page. 2. the people who are being the biggest jerks are those put on the defensive by members who enjoy jerking them around. 3. i am fucking bored with patrolling just a fan threads like a 2nd grade teacher. 4. i've sent pms to eg
  11. hey greg! we share a birthday! who knew?!
  12. in the interest of keeping the forum easy to browse, please close your tix offer thread once you're sure they are sold. the close option can be found in a pull down menu. thanks heaps, your moderating coalition
  13. ok. i don't have it together enough to gather my thoughts enough except to say: i love seeing this band live! SO MUCH SOUND for just two men. danced my socks off. brandon sound checked an acoustic guitar, but didn't play it. hmm. spaceland was packed, which was fab. i was in the front row and blinded by a rogue spot light over the stage. i didn't keep a set list. i'm going to see them again on thursday, so maybe i'll keep one then. the openers butchers and builders were terrific, too! i even had a chance to play a pair of pot lids during one song. ruckus!
  14. no no no! it was a crew lunch. we were sitting together. it's not like she asked me to tea or showed the best place for cuban food or anything. alan cummings, you so win.
  15. if these pix circulate up and comers will think you're some kind of star maker and seek you! also, i've eaten lunch with rita moreno. she is all that and a bag of chips!
  16. terrific! robin, have been meaning to tell you i got the yarn you sent! i put it in a bag with some size 5 dpns for a little session tomorrow!
  17. are all of these charles'? woo! i can just pic out my face in the shot over jeff's shoulder toward the crowd.
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