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ms. yvon

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Everything posted by ms. yvon

  1. thanks, bridget!! woo! i wonder if bobby jr. will make an appearance at the el rey show?
  2. Woo! ok, your response combined with the new avatar and companion sig line had me laughing out loud!
  3. recent stuff: i've used some left over strip sets from a quilt border, and left over flannel used for the back of said quilt to make a pair of pillowcases! this marks the first project for which i've employed both the sewing machine and serger. it's a brand new day! they look really nice! i may just try to use some of my other quilt scraps to make some more pillow cases. hmm! also: i mended a pair of pants that have been sitting, folded on my sewing desk for about 18 months. woo! i love these pants and am sooooo happy to have them back in the rotation! (before i made the decision to
  4. kevin, your description of owen in the hospital is heartbreaking. i hope he gets better quickly and your family can sleep under the same roof together soon.
  5. yes. yes. yes. it's got a little dramatic bookend bit which is a little weedy, but the show is TERRIFIC and gorgeous! sweet jesus.
  6. for a single listening i love "eels with strings". it's gorgeous. for some reason, it's being a live show keeps it from getting insular. worth mentioning: this year at the largo holiday send off shows E did a spoken word rendition of "raspberry beret" with jon brion. he is just that rad.
  7. gonna show some love for tennessee fire. the reverb on this one almost makes the songs sound like they're coming from far away. beautiful on songs like, "nashville to kentucky," "heartbreaking man," and "they ran." full disclosure: at dawn and okonokos head up the mmj binge listening list.
  8. WOO HOO! what type of fabric do you use for the leg warmers?
  9. since reading this thread, have been binge listening to "love and distance." there are a few jan/feb west coast area tour dates listed here: helio sequence tour dates the los angeles date is JUST AFTER that wilco stand in chicago. i've missed two of HS's shows (TWO) due to scheduling conflicts.
  10. if i wasn't up to my ears in 3 quilts that are at least 4 years in the making (this isn't counting the HUGE one that is still in the closet), i might let you do that. today: made inroads on the embroidery for the kaliedoscope quilt. i usually use a daisy/chain stitch, this time tried just using a stem stitch. not as cute. alas. also: did some re-blocking of the felt messenger bag. it's looking pretty good. once the pouch portion of the bag is dry, i'm going to take another pass at the flap. the whole thing got twisted in the wash. i didn't notice until last night just where the c
  11. rhythm y blues! the campfire patches on the shoulders of the spacesuits are a nice detail! did you use the same martin & craig heads in each of the cards? the cards really showcase your varied skills. sure, we all know you're musicians, but acrobats? wrestlers? astronauts? gnomes? who knew? thanks, mart!
  12. ok. i dropped my sewing machine off for service yesterday. because monday is a holiday, it may not be ready until NEXT FRIDAY. i've given myself plenty of non-sewing machine related projects to do in the meantime, but...i may need to lean on you all for support. (since i've been out of work, i've used it every day. so you can see what's going on here.)
  13. mart, can you post some of your past Action Cards?
  14. good inspiration, rasberry! i am doing pretty good staying on project target. i did pick up two patterns yesterday: one for flannel pj pants (this is female specific), one for slips and half-slips. i've got some rad flannel to use for the pjs and a bunch of men's silk shirts to use for the slips. i've been wanting a less than half slip to wear under my skirts. (they get caught on my tights and bunch up.) in an attempt to use Stuff From My Closet of Fabric
  15. el F i'll back you in the fanboy/girl area. i LOVE this band. most recently i saw them a couple of times in november. they were opening for a band i'd never heard, but went to two shows in different cities just to see them. they played a few songs from the new record which i remember liking. very excited for this cd. :dancing when they are feeling good (the guitarist had some serious concern for his singing voice during a tour, and you could tell), they are terrific on stage. side note: "let it fall apart" has been my theme for the WGA strike.
  16. behold the Jobin Yvon SPEX FluoroMax-3 fluorimeter!
  17. cute skirt! (babies DO love the buttons on electronics, don't they. ) i've been whipping up a pillow case idea to use the left over strip piece stuff from this loud quilt. have decided to do it all on the serger!
  18. HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ERIC!! here's a little something to keep your feet warm during the iowa winter: glad it was rad!
  19. i'm gearing up to take this class: intro to pattern making this shop is new, and a couple blocks from my apt. ON MY STREET! easy-peasy. very excited as i used to fit commercial patterns, but no more. this is all part of my grand plan to use the stuff in the cupboard. YES!!
  20. dude. i must learn the Way of the Serger. i can make it go, but to what end?
  21. most of the fabric i have was designated for a quilt to-be-named-later, but i will maybe make a couple tote bags (to fit a book, post cards and some knitting--my normal cafe loitering materials). i'm not a purse carrier, but am enjoying the utility of a good tote. have you sewed fleece on your serger? i hear this is the way to go. fleece might give you a good winter clothes project for the kids. hooded scarves...cute hats...fleece lounge pants...pancho... kate! the caliormetry looks fab! i knit mine using some Noro i had in the closet. i LOVE it. also knit a pair of hand warmers
  22. donna, that is wonderful with that pic inside! well done to you and your assistant! and the superglue:
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