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ms. yvon

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Everything posted by ms. yvon

  1. barry isn't the first man to "cheat," just the one who's gotten the farthest.
  2. sarah, the show airs at 5pm minnesota time...not sure how that relates to your time zone (always gets a little blurry for me once i cross nebraska). the band will likely play two short bits, one in each hour of the show.
  3. "wouldn't this be a good time for a slice of rhubarb pie?" the point of storytelling isn't neccessarily to be funny. the show's had it's high and low points, but i remain an avid listener, 17 years and counting! for the record: got me some fab seats for the show. third time seeing it live, first time in minneapolis! woo! wonder if the state theatre sells carafes of margaritas like the hollywood bowl?
  4. i recommend camping before it rains.
  5. good lord. nels. on the view. kinda weird.
  6. looks like both first ave. and the state are in the theatre dist. i may see if i can find something reasonable (hahahahaha) in that area...otherwise i'll get something a little farther out. sometimes a downtown dries up on the weekend. kyle, i will keep an eye out for you tomorrow!
  7. i'm going to be in minnesota this weekend...still have a CTA pass that has to be used by june...
  8. hey blue-eyed and solace: i'm coming to minneapolis this weekend! the andrew bird @ 1st ave/wilco on PHC/and visit w/my sister combo was too good to pass up! blueeyed: what was the name of the cafe you recommended to me way back? kyle: any tips for a good hotel in either minn/st p? will be hitting electric f., coffee, general milling. thanks! will you be at the andrew b show?
  9. dude, that is incredibly generous of you. if i can find a pair of VIP tix, a friend of mine will come along. if she decides to skip it i may hit you up. honestly, i'm prepared to camp. i just don't know how much i can count on my getting myself back to the tent by myself every night.
  10. so after missing out on the hotel packages i now missed out on the VIP camping. holy cats. still hoping to find a pair of those VIP camping...i'm looking in all the usual places...if anyone hears of something, send up a flare.
  11. a.b. at amoeba records-hollywood april 30, the san francisco fillmore may 1! :dancing
  12. perm, way to use your powers for good not evil! great to hear that someone recognized your dedication and bad-assness. to you i say: FUCK YES!!one! and: damn straight.
  13. hey perm, you might look around culver city: not too far from the west side (sony studios is there, close to fox studios), but may be less expensive than a westside apt. also look around mar vista/ocean park neighborhoods. if you're not afeared of spending some time in traffic, come to los feliz or silver lake! i'll draw you a map of the good record stores/burritos/beer spots. is FNL moving production out here or something?!
  14. you know, if we drank the same beer, i would consider it.
  15. damn that tivo!! HOORAY FOR ANDREW!! pneyu, any chance that programming fragment will still be on your recorder come may 1?
  16. last weekend dean & britta played two shows at the silent movie theatre in los angeles. this is just up the street from largo and canters. it was my first time in the theatre. nice place. funny, high, narrow stage. small. they played mostly tunes from their new album, "back numbers" with a few from l'avventura and a couple of luna treats. got there for the late show just as the opener was playing. there were a lot of open seats down front so i scored a seat front row center next to a couple of guys. don't have time to post much in the way of notes, but here is the set list: -sing
  17. knock loud! woo! that canadian amp may be just an ep, but it packs a wallop.
  18. dude. now i'm considering asking my mom to go.
  19. len, THANKS FOR THE INFO! ok, i'm gonna check out the packages on the b'roo site.
  20. bob-earl, if you can find something for her to do in atlanta, i'll shuttle you to the show! CARPOOL! SARAH! yes, atlanta!
  21. MANY HAPPY RETURNS, PLASTIQUE!!! (ps. get that dizziness checked out, ok? )
  22. john dufilho: i remain, as always, a rabble rouser from the mountains i love this album.
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