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Everything posted by MrRain422

  1. So what is the minimum number of times to see a player to allow someone to judge them?
  2. I made the claim mostly from memory of things I'd read in the past, and on a quick google search, the only specific example I could find is about an incident where he ripped a shirt off of a reporter, but pretty much every single article written about him on the internet describes him using at least one, but often more of the following adjectives: surly, curmudgeon, jerk, asshole, prickly, curt. I didn't find one single thing describing him as "sportsmanlike", "full of integrity", "nice guy" or anything like that. Even if he's not a dickface, the HoF criteria presented was not "not a total
  3. Okay, so let's hear some examples of him showing great, Hall of Fame caliber integrity, sportsmanship and character. In that case writers should not be allowed to vote for players that they did not see play. What is a fair number of games that someone should personally see a guy play to be qualified to make a judgment? The numbers alone don't tell the whole story of any players career, but they give as good a picture as is possible so long as the statistical methods remain imperfect. It's certainly a much better way to judge a career than a couple anecdotal stories that are often not
  4. So Rice was a great guy? The non-numbers criteria work in his favor? You are the one who claimed that the "integrity" and "sportsmanship" aspects should be considered, so please, make your case. How did Rice display HoF worthy integrity and sportsmanship? And it's not delusional to call a great many of the BBWA members uninformed. A good number of pro-Rice articles I've read over the past few years have had demonstrably false factual claims in them. This isn't unique to Rice -- they screw things up all the time -- but it's relevant and not at all delusional to acknowledge it.
  5. Sorry, only by nearly every account. It is my mistake if there were a couple guys out there who thought he was a great dude. Don't get me wrong, I don't think that Jim Rice's assholedom is a disqualifier for the HoF -- no doubt that he isn't a top 5 HoF asshole, and there will be bigger assholes inducted in the future too. My point was just that bringing up the non-numbers criteria for induction into the discussion does not work in Rice's favor.
  6. Citing things other than numbers to make a case for Rice is pretty silly considering by all accounts he was a total dickface. If you want to consider sportsmanship and integrity, those should be knocks against him, not in his favor. Blyleven is a no-brainer in terms of how good a player he was. He should be in -- the debate over him is stupid, since the only real argument against him is based on one stat, which is very team dependent, and where he is just barely below the number that normally makes someone automatic anyway. I'm sort of glad Rice got in even though he isn't worthy, just b
  7. They're going to use him as a starter.
  8. Incidentally, Detroit is a city that does have an income tax for non-residents who work in the city. It's not very much though.
  9. In some cities you have to pay income tax if you work there, even if you don't live there. I have no idea if this is the case in New York.
  10. Sure, I mean, they elected him you know.
  11. Sucks to drop out of the polls, but I still feel pretty good about my Wolverines right now. Easily the best team we've had in 10 years or more.
  12. He's a good utility guy but really not a big enough deal for all the ire it seems to be causing from Cubs fans.
  13. Oh yeah, we could see just fine from the left field bleachers. Couldn't see well into the corner nearest us, but otherwise our view was a lot better than I expected. Obviously not as easy to see as a game in an arena, but a lot better than I had thought it would be.
  14. Was at the game today. Had a blast, especially since the good guys won, though I did lose feeling in my feet during the second intermission.
  15. I'm glad the financial industry completely restructured before receiving their bailout that is 45 times larger than the auto industry bailout. I also appreciate how they've been totally transparent in what they've done with the money.
  16. Is LastFM blocked for you? If not, try this. They're a bunch of home 8-track recordings, so they sound marginally like they do when I play them solo. Let me know what you think. Perhaps a collaboration is in order.
  17. I don't see why the Marlins would possibly give up Ramirez. He's one of the 5 best players in baseball, he's very young, and they have him at a bargain price for several more years. What do they have to gain by trading him?
  18. So yeah, open invitation to all VCers. Come see me play some music and hang out on Saturday night. Will probably bump this again some time later in the week.
  19. A-Rod is a top 3 player in baseball, and throughout his career he's been top 5 nearly every year (with maybe 1 or 2 exceptions), and the best player in the game multiple seasons. Romo isn't close to that good.
  20. You are in luck, my friend. Got a call from them today and they want me back next Saturday, this time at 9:00 p.m. Come on out if you can make it.
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