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Sweet Papa Crimbo

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Everything posted by Sweet Papa Crimbo

  1. I don't want to get overly dramatic or emotive here, but we will never see the likes of LOST again.
  2. Bumping this because I still feel a bit adrift.
  3. Are you ACTUALLY saying that you thing Self Portrait is a great album? Really?
  4. People who are mean to those who have done and sacrificed for the little shit.
  5. I find that funnier than all get out. He's eager to intrude on her 'privacy', yet he's posted no trespassing signs and is throwing around all kinds of righteous indignation at his fellow travelers. HI Larry us
  6. For me, this finale was fantastic -nearly perfect in tone and emtion. For those of you who didn't like it, I'm sorry that Lost ends as a disappointment for you, but I certainly do not agree.
  7. I'll put my spin here. The "flash sideways/afterlife" was Jack's final test. What happened on the island happened. Those who died, died. Jack killed the MIB and Hurley became the island's keeper. The FS/A timeline did not begin when the bomb exploded...it began when Jack died. All the players in the most important event were present to usher Jack into letting go. Cuse and Lindlehoff got quite metaphysical here, but the final imagery and resolution is anything but a western religious spin. The religious iconagraphy from the world's religions were in that chapel. They did get a bit into the c
  8. It wasn't necessarily a 'Christian heaven'. Didn't you notice all the symbols from the various religions in the chapel? It may have had a Christian tint because Jack was a Christian. I feel very strongly that Lindlhoff and Cuse managed to do something that is rare on American Network TV. They managed to tell a compelling story that avoided pandering to 'the least common denominator'. They told the story THEY wanted to tell. I've never written a screenplay, treatment or novel. I envy them at their accomplishment
  9. I wasn't implying you didn't understand it. I'm just wondering what made it such a disaster for you.
  10. What? Desmond makes it possible for Jack and Kate to kill Flocke. Hurley becomes the master of the island after Jack sacrifices himself to put things back to rights. The sideways world proves to be the afterlife. Maybe a little mystical, but then again, the whole show was mystical.
  11. Richard knows who Christian Shepard is as much as Sawyer,Kate, Hurley, Libby et al do. Maybe because he wasn't an 815er. But, then again, neither was Ben.
  12. No...the juxtaposition of the island time line and the 'afterlife/sideways' timeline was not in effect. What happened happened. They all simply waited for each other in the afterlife. And yeah...I found tears running down my cheeks a few times. Something just occurred to me...where was Richard in the 'afterlife/sideways' timeline?
  13. Not at all what I expected, but very satisfying. But I do wonder at Ben remaining outside.
  14. I would really like to find out why Caliber took the shot. I was just looking for ap recommendations.
  15. Closing because Caliber pissed me off... not really
  16. anybody got recommendations for good 'free' aps for an iPod touch?
  17. The blue eyed soul stylings of Side with Seeds are exactly what I was hoping for when the first rumblings about Wilco recording a 'soul' album. This would have been a great song to present for Solomon Burke's solo record along with Is that the Thanks I Get.
  18. I'm wondering if Ben has really turned totally toward the dark side or whether he is working a 'long con'. I am thinking that Desmond will go to the center of light and by doing so somehow make Flock vulnerable. I think Ben will be faced with a choice of killing Jack or Flock and choose appropriately.
  19. Desmond's out of the well; but it doesn't appear Jack and the crew were the one's who got him out. Hugo brought them to Jacob before they got to him. If Desmond is a failsafe, then I am betting he's gonna take a trip down to the light for some reason or other.
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