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Sweet Papa Crimbo

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Everything posted by Sweet Papa Crimbo

  1. I won't even bother to respond to the first part of you post. I will respond to your condescention in kind. That being said, I wholeheartedly agree about Kazmir.
  2. A little perspective is needed here. Kennedy was a Lion. A true statesman and the last of the great Post World War II liberals. His flaws were many and glaring early in his life. He survived because he was a Kennedy in Massassachusetts...and that, my friends, is MONEY in the bank. Whenever I see present day politicians getting into some decidedly seedy personal problems, I think back to Kennedy. What I mean to say is, he AND the country were fortunate that he was able to survive his personal issues. If today's standards for personal behavior and the feeding frenzy that accompanies any mi
  3. You shouldn't. Buying a penant is the worst thing in professional sports.
  4. I don't put much stock into what the 'intelligentsia' thinks about records until at least three years after the release. I decided remember some self proclaimed super fans complaining that Yankee Hotel Foxtrot was 'more of Jeff Tweedy's stupid noise experiments'. (not here of course. This place was not around.) I also seem to remember A Ghost is Born being greeted by some here with decided indifference if not outright hostility. We don't have to go very far on this very page to find the negative vibes about Sky Blue Sky. We all love the band we THINK and HOPE Wilco is. I'm just along for
  5. Just --- Radiohead (Jonny Greenwood torturing the telecaster) Absolutely Sweet Marie --- Jason and the Scorchers (killer cover) Revolution --- The Beatles (41 years later and nothing says it better) Keep on Rockin' in the Free World --- Neil Young Girlfriend --- Matthew Sweet Fire --- Jimi Hendrix Experience Every Picture Tells a Story --- Rod Stewart (before he sold his soul...he really had a good one) Are You Ready for the Country --- Neil Young (I gotta admit...I let my country boy freak flag fly) Just Got Back --- Cheap Trick The House is Rockin' --- SRV (r.i.p.)
  6. This is me thinking about season 6
  7. I remember when Ryan would show up on the AOL Alt Country/No Depression board. It was an absolute trainwreck.
  8. You guys seem to be missing or somewhat ignoring one salient fact: HE WAS A FUCKING BEATLE!!! HE CHANGED THE WORLD!!! (At the very least the music world) I cut him slack for that
  9. Personally, I kinda like it that Jeff doesn't feel the need to come on here and argue with the likes of us.
  10. I had forgotten how really good the song ended up being.
  11. I'm only pretty sure that I can't take anymore Before you take a swing I wonder What are we fighting for When I say out loud I want to get out of this I wonder Is there anything I'm going to miss I wonder How it's going to be When you don't know me How's it going to be When you're sure I'm not there How's it going to be When there is no one to talk to, between you and me 'Cause I don't care How's it going to be How's it going to be Where we used to laugh There's a shouting match Sharp as a thumbnail scratch A silence I can't ignore Like... The hammocks by the doorway we spent time in Swings em
  12. I was in my late 30's when I got the first cd. How's it Gonna Be is still one of my go to songs How's it Gonna Be:?
  13. I still smell tobacco on my fingers My breath reeks of pot and wine and sex My eyes open up like they haven’t in years So I won’t miss whatever happens next You call me a thief All right, I'm a thief Grab a summons Come and ring my bell I’ll be making love with my baby In the Chelsea Hotel I told you to meet me at eight o’clock I said I’ll be drinking at the bar I drove between Newark and Laguardia Trying to return a rented car We keep missing connections today But tomorrow would be just as well I gotta go make love with my baby In the Chelsea Hotel I’ve been walking all around your ne
  14. I may have throuwn this one out before. Nilsson does have a way with a lyric: You're breakin' my heart You're tearin' it apart So fuck you All I want to do Is have a good time Now I'm blue You wanna boogaloo Run down to Tramps Have a dance or two--ooh! You're breaking my heart You're tearin' it apart But fuck you You're breakin' my heart You're tearin' it apart Ooh!--ooh!-- You stepped on my ass You're breaking my glasses too You wanna drive my car Buy a lot of stuff I've had enough Of you--ooh! I'm goin' insane There's no one to blame So fuck you You've gotta have your way There
  15. A Ghost is Born is the Wilco record that came along when I was in a very dark place..sweet fancy Moses but could I relate to the darkness that Jeff was apparently going through. Sky Blue Sky is like the rainbow after a nasty storm. The clean breeze that sweeps away the detrius of a bad day. Wilco (the album) is the return to happiness and joy after the bad times. Having given up the vices of my youth and finding a way to keep the nasty thoughts and demons at bay (most of the time), Wilco's music provides an anchor: I'm not the only one who has seen the darkness, felt the despair and found
  16. The boys wish you a happy happy
  17. And if the search function doesn't get you what you want...you can always spend 45 seconds or so scrolling back through a couple of pages
  18. This thread from Season 3 was revived by some chipmunk who didn't use the search function correctly
  19. BACK OF A BIBLE I wrote you a love song on the back of a Bible On the back of a Bible, A love song for you I ain't no authority about what it says in it Can't even begin it But that page in the back is blank and waiting for you Heard me a sad song on the way to a wedding On the way to a wedding on my car radio I can't remember the words to the verses But I remember the chorus I don't remember who was marrying who But I'll always know this love song to you I hate this motel room they all smell the same The view of the parking lot etched in my brain Stuck in this town and you're so far awa
  20. And just where has the stimulus money gone? Other than buying a stake in the automotive industry, what has the government actually done to alleviate the economic collapse? Is credit flowing to the average citizen?
  21. Heaven knows poor Brett wouldn't be able to feed his family is he didn't head off to Minnesota. Actually, I couldn't care less if Brett Favre plays football this year. I just think he is tarnishing his once golden legacy. And I really couldn't care less about that either.
  22. I think that there is a certain sense being expressed in a subliminal fashion (not necessarily by you) that Jeff is somehow a lesser musician without Jay. In this context, Jeff NEEDS a collaborator...someone to make his wonderfully written lyrics into wonderful songs. Jay Farrar to Jay Bennett to Jim O'Rourke...any record done without these collaborators suffers. That is the subtext I am feeling around here. The records that draw the most complaints: AM, Sky Blue Sky and Wilco. Records without the said collaborators. I disagree with this mindset. It's ALL Jeff's vision. It's HIS band. They
  23. But Jay Farrar is able to roll out an album with three guys named Stu and still call it Son Volt and have it recognized as such?
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