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Sweet Papa Crimbo

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Everything posted by Sweet Papa Crimbo

  1. This made me smile...not a LOL...but a mms by the way...how about that witty new screen name and avatar (although cave men were reputedly neanderthals and not cro-mags...but give me points for spur of the moment wittiness...)
  2. I can get behind that...so much potential
  3. From the outside, it cannot be understood From the inside, it cannot be explained
  4. Not to rub salt in the wounds...but DA$M!!! You gotta thing Selig is rooting for a Boston LA series and it looks like he's gonna get Phillie Tampa.
  5. I hear that when the Revolution comes, what you have in your record collection will determine if you go against the wall or not.
  6. Especially after Bruce Thomas attended the RNRHOF induction and Elvis was so complimentary and concilliatory. But I think Davey Faragher is not going to be out of a job anytime soon.
  7. Hey...didn't you get the memo? You are only here to irritate people on the politics thread and are being ignored.
  8. Sometimes I feel so uninspired Sometimes I feel like giving up Sometimes I feel so very tired Sometimes I feel like I've had enough Sometimes you feel like you've been hired Sometimes you feel like you've been bought Sometimes you feel like your room's been wired Sometimes you feel like you've been caught But don't let it get you down There is no reason for not failing You've got to smile and turn the other cheek So today you might get up But by tomorrow you'll be sailing And you won't even hear these words I speak Some people want to be so desired Some people can't stand the light of day Some
  9. A less mentally ill person than I would probably let this drop... I don't like a song that features some nice platitudes? And your point is WHAT? I don't appreciate the message. Guess I am overreacting a bit due to the "You can't be a Wilco fan if you don't agree with the politics" shit that was floating around on another thread. The insularity and close mindedness of this board really frustrates me. All so smug and condescending. I am legion. I am complicated. I like Chocolate AND Vanilla. The minute we start having to defend our tastes for music based on a byzantine system of ideological
  10. Knew this had to be a response in the NHL thread. Using the phrase "Really excited" about any aspect of the TEXAS Rangers would get you get you confined for Phsyciatric observation.
  11. Really interesting that you use the terms "really silly band", "garbage" and "Ramones" in this post.
  12. I was going to respond in depth here...but I really don't like your tone. Your veiled insinuations ("It's so easy to appreciate that song...doesn't the message of it appeal to you?") are not going to drag me into an internet shitting match.
  13. If I didn't answer you...maybe it's because I find your tone a little irritating.
  14. Not a single blessed one...I even listen to Less than You Think... But I must admit I am not very fond of Comment
  15. If you see something that looks like a star And its shooting up out of the ground And your head is spinning from a loud guitar And you just cant escape from the sound Dont worry too much, itll happen to you We were children once, playing with toys And the thing that youre hearing is only the sound of The low spark of high-heeled boys The percentage youre paying is too high priced While youre living beyond all your means And the man in the suit has just bought a new car From the profit hes made on your dreams But today you just read that the man was shot dead By a gun that didnt make any nois
  16. It's funny to look at the extras in this video.
  17. From the outside, it cannot be understood From the inside, it cannot be explained
  18. Judge sentences rap music fan to Bach, Beethoven A defendant had a hard time facing the music. Andrew Vactor was facing a $150 fine for playing rap music too loudly on his car stereo in July. But a judge offered to reduce that to $35 if Vactor spent 20 hours listening to classical music by the likes of Bach, Beethoven and Chopin. Vactor, 24, lasted only about 15 minutes, a probation officer said. It wasn't the music, Vactor said, he just needed to be at practice with the rest of the Urbana University basketball team. "I didn't have the time to deal with that," he said. "I just d
  19. Sweet fancy Moses. In order to have an insult make any kind of impact, it must make sense and be readable.
  20. http://classicrock.about.com/od/history/a/rock_myths.htm
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