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Sweet Papa Crimbo

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Everything posted by Sweet Papa Crimbo

  1. That's the true road to world domination...one kid at a time. The young unformed minds need to be exposed to the greatness that is Wilco
  2. Bbop, JHamm and A-Man are the soul of this place. Louie B is the conscience.
  3. Yeah..nothing is as funny as somebody struggling to save their life.
  4. What do you think Representative Paul opines about public employee unions? I'm just screwing with ya Sparky...any guy who makes a statement like this should be lauded: "No one talks about the real ethics disaster in Washington. It's that many members of Congress will listen to any argument against a bill except for two: that it's not moral or that it's not Constitutional." -- Rep. Ron Paul But a guy making such a statement will never be elected to any higher office. The world needs the Don Quixotes...
  5. Not quite the surprise wake up I would have guessed.
  6. Yeah...I'd probably vote for him. I have a deep desire to drink unpasteurized milk.
  7. I'm not saying it's fair or unfair. And it certainly is apparent that Josh is stepping up and not trying to deflect any blame or look for sympathy. But the cruel bottom line is that a professional baseball club cannot afford to put tens of millions of dollars at risk for a long term deal. I hope to God that Josh is able to wrestle his demons successfully. The baseball stuff is really secondary.
  8. Time to start a new thread. First post Josh Hamilton can probably forget about a long term contract extension or a big Free Agency deal
  9. Congrats!!! Just remember, a marriage takes a lot of hard work, forgiveness and understanding. Just celebrated my 27th anniversary, and I must say that the rocky patches were hard, but worth the work.
  10. Ron Paul is a modern day Harold Stassen, except with nutty ideas and a much more limited resume.
  11. As opposed to what? A Klezmer, funk fusion band?
  12. I remember seeing the Reverend Al Green back in the day. Soul Train came on right after American Bandstand in my hometown. Everything I know about music I learned at the hands of Don Cornelius, Dick Clark, Don Kirchner and The Wolfman.
  13. It is REALLY tiresome reading that I am not enjoying a concert because I am sitting/standing, dancing/not dancing. People need to stop being concert enjoyment Nazis and let people enjoy themselves how they want to. If I am not directly affecting your enjoyment, then leave me the fuck alone.
  14. I boutght TB right after it came out, having been really impressed by Sebastapol. I even bought the live cd that he did after the tour with Canyon. I guess I am a not casual fan of Jay, but he is really an acquired taste.
  15. Somebody really needs to rip this one and... Well...you know the drill
  16. Good call. And neither am I Darth Vader, Bruce Springsten nor an ebony oscine songbird. Cut me some slack.
  17. The band has their own facebook page...and they actually post stuff there.
  18. Yeah...today I can go buy several of the Wilco eps if I were of a mind to.
  19. This place always seems to lead me to (although sometimes in a really round about way) to music that draws me in. In a thread about Patterson Hood's side project the Screwtopians, I read about this Will Johnson of Centro-Matic who was playing guitar on his tour. I really dug the live stuff I heard on the tour...so I filed it away. A couple of weeks ago, I read about Jay Farrar's new Mermaidesque side project, and somebody mentioned Will Johnson (somebody said he would run away with the project). Ahhh...Will Johnson again. I read somewhere else that Will Johnson was playing drums with the
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