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Sweet Papa Crimbo

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Everything posted by Sweet Papa Crimbo

  1. Certainly a valid point. But those who profess to not like Wilco are quick to use terms like "Dad Rock". It is probably the culture that we live in to refer to things we don't like in an insulting and dismissive manner (i.e. hipster, dad rock...). And it is only natural that people take exception to such a dismissal. However, it is probably worth noting that by far and away, this record has been very well recieved. Which leads to the (somewhat) natural assumption that adverse reactions by critics (who are supposed to have more accepting and wide ranging tastes) must be a part of a larger agend
  2. This band is really on a roll here. I would love to see them hit the studio as soon as this tour is over and continue to mine the artistic vein they have hit.
  3. There are all kinds of little aural goodies on this record.
  4. Another hole in my music appreciation. After Tom started being a combination of Captain Beefheart and Howlin' Wolf, I just don't get it. If somebody wants to take the time to tell me what I should listen for, I would give it a shot.
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mkjSDDH2nog&feature=related
  6. Jeff needs a better hat...but at least it's better than that too small straw cowboy hat he wore back in the day.
  7. This was really nice. The Son Volt stuff was really cool. This picture really shows the tensions in the band (Jeff looks genuinely happy and Jay looks really uncomfortable).
  8. It might be interesting to pick the songs that would have made better openers than actually opened the record... Like... Bull Black Nova for Wilco (The Album) or Candyfloss for Summerteeth Impossible Germany for Sky Blue Sky?
  9. Funny thing is, this really crappy blog with get tens of thousands of more views than any well considered, professional journalist's print review of the concert. It sucks (both the blog and the fact that so many will read it)...but it is the world we live in.
  10. This thing has gone viral...this site has probably had more hits over this stupid little review than they get for all the other postings put together.
  11. It wasn't about Ryan or any poor behavior oh his part...it was about a bratty, self important reporter. Ryan was playing a gig at the Benaroya Hall and this reporter/reviewer/blogger wrote a really obnoxious story about her experiences. Shows up late for this intimate, solo gig; makes a small ruckus getting to seat; proceeds to tap out her review on her blackberry; gets annoyed when the people around her ask her to put the blackberry away; borrows a plane ticekt and pen from her 'date' to take notes; talks to her date and gets further annoyed when she is shushed...this was the gist of her
  12. It is an interesting relic of gonzo journalism that every 'writer' feels the need to inject themselves as a part of the story. There is a really fun bruhaha in a free SEattle Paper over a writer's 'review' of a solo Ryan Adams show.
  13. Or the guy passing out and collapsing on my feet during "Hate it Here"
  14. As good as Reservations is as a song, and as important as YHF is, I think One Sunday Morning may well be a game changer for this band.
  15. That put an ENTIRELY different picture in my mind than the one you probably intended. heh heh heh
  16. Hell...I thought this was from the New Yorker...it's from New York Magazine. Indie journalism. Double Meh.
  17. It they hadn't already done Load, Reload, St. Anger and that one with the orchestra, I would say Metallica was jumping the shark. NOW they are well into the realm of being an embarrassing Caricature of the self-important Rock Band. Metallica IS Spinal Tap.
  18. For the first 20 years the Cubs were in Wrigley, everybody played day games all the time. Cubs fans can blame the goat or Bartman all they want, but the one real constant in the Cubs reign of mediorcrity is day baseball.
  19. Meet the new boss...same as the old boss
  20. Other than the obvious fact that he had column inches to fill, what is the point of this article?
  21. He got the Mussolini treatment...same thing with Ceaușescu. Whenever long time dictators fall into the hands of their 'loving' subjects...things often get nasty.
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