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Sweet Papa Crimbo

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Everything posted by Sweet Papa Crimbo

  1. The football fans in Dallas are a reall classy bunch. There are actually folks here who a). think Romo somehow managed to fake his injury, 2). is to blame for every bad thing that has happened to the Cowboys since 2005, and/or c). should be replaced by John fucking Kitna. I rarely listen to Sports talk radio here anymore (specifically the Ticket). (notice I did the a,2,c thing?)
  2. I am fit to be tied. Discovered today that, in her infinite pursuit of a). extreme tidiness or . attempting to see my head explode, my lovely wife managed to ruin the stylus on my turntable. I guess I never told her that one must use extreme care when cleaning a turnbable and not attempt the gorilla scrub approach. Grrrr.
  3. Shit. Mine didn't get put out for delivery until the 22nd. The EARLIEST I will get it is Monday. And some of you suckers have had it for almost of a week. Shit.
  4. I find it harder and harder to take reviews of records seriously until a year or so has passed. Everybody has their own take on things, but in the long run, the immediate vomiting forth of strong opinions is usually regretted in the light of posterity.
  5. I got mine 20 minutes in (after a serious of unfortunate incidents...detailed in my thread). I am just happe to be in the building this time (after the Denton debalce)
  6. After listening to the 9/20 show, I am now sure I do not want to hear One Sunday Morning live. The whooping of the various douchebags in the audience are absolutely horrible. This is one song that deserves to be delivered and heard with absolute silence from the audience. The only thing I can think of that would more inappropriate is some hippy chick doing the rolling dance in the aisles.
  7. Actually, I have. But I think they were there for Dr. Dog. But to answer the question...No. They are not a 'jam band'. They are a band that stretches out a bit and kind of 'jam' at times. But they are not a jam band.
  8. Crow’s adventures in procuring Wilco Tickets After missing out on the show in Denton earlier this year (snow day…show on University Campus, Smaller venue=sellout and no attendance by Crow and D-man), I promised D-man that no matter what, we were going to the Wilco show supporting THE WHOLE LOVE in Dallas. When they announced the venue at Dallas Music Hall, I was a bit surprised. This Depression era, Art Deco show place is the normal venue for touring Musicals. It’s kind of small and, well to be frank, a bit nice for the normal rock show. A BIG step up from the Palladium, that’s for sure. P
  9. Once again even Supergrass recgonizes the greatness of THE RUTLES http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_UVerdKle8Q
  10. What the fuck. Sold out of presale tickets in TWO MINUTES? Abso fucking lutley unbelieveable.
  11. It is a really odd reference point for a song about religion,family relations and regret.
  12. I'm thinking, as much as I love this song, I don't think hearing it played in a room full of hipsters, some of whom will feel the need to go "WHOOOOOO" in the middle of it, is something that I want any part of. This is one that is probably best enjoyed alone, in the privacy of one's home, with the miracle of headphones.
  13. One Sunday Morning...It's a freaking GAME CHANGER. Nothing will be the same in the Wilco Canon after this one...
  14. Not to derail the thread...but I always thought the 'boing' was a Jay Bennet f u to the alt country fans...
  15. But it actually is a full fledged tribute to...The Rutles! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_UVerdKle8Q&feature=related (sorry...but the chord changes in the intro of Dawned on Me reminded me of this one!)
  16. This. And One Sunday Morning a tone poem on lost love? Lost Love?
  17. Are there ever any replies on this request? I would love a Dallas pw.
  18. LOL...my 21 year old daughter (Magic Kristen) still gets creeped out by the beginning of IATTBYH. She usually doesn't make it to Ashes or Poor Places, so I can only assume the noisy stuff in those two would also freak her out. Her aversion with Wilco started with Candyfloss...the faded in, creepy keyboard entry really freaked out the 9-year old version of her. Odd...because she loves Radiohead's Everything in its Right Place.
  19. I used to play those games with Springsteen albums. You know the drill...take off Wild Billy and substitute in The Fever on TWTIATESS; Pull off Factory and substitute in Don't look back on DotEoT, add Frankie and Murder Inc. to BitUSA...I've even made a version of YHF whice includes, Venus Stopped the Train, Magazine Called Sunset and Cars Can't Escape. But this ultimately is a very dissastifying conceit. (Don't know why that got bolded...but I kinda like it in the context, so I will leave it.) The artist ultimately has a better feel for these things. An 'album' is more than a collection of
  20. And listening to it closely, it makes sense. The growth of the song and the progression on the playing and instrumentation are organic and, frankly, absolutely breath taking and beautiful.
  21. A blurb from the Dr. Who website about next week: Why is it a 'farewell' visit? Anyway...it appears that this in now three episodes without moving the story arc of The Silence, The Death of the Doctor and River Song forward. Time to get back on the horse
  22. Well...as badass as the Silence were purported to be, they certainly went out with a whimper
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