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Sweet Papa Crimbo

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Everything posted by Sweet Papa Crimbo

  1. Yeah that was epic. The number of people who took the bait and castigated Jeff was really astonishing.
  2. We get it. You hate the song. Why don't you change your name to reflect that and spare us all the angst.
  3. There are a couple of things that keep rolling around in head with respect to the Doctor's apparent death in Utah in 2011. It is referred to as a 'fixed point in history'. We know that these cannot be altered. However, you know there has to be an out here. There are a couple of candidates to either counteract the Doctor's death or serve as a surrogate. As Melody/River sacrificed all her future regenerations to save the Doctor, we know that the River Song incarnation did not kill the Doctor.Also, we saw him killed by someone in the Apollo Space suit (persumabley the initial incarnation of Melod
  4. An artist(s)' career is an extended conversation with his/her/their fanbase. It is a rather one-sided conversation, but Jeff, like all artists, is simply sending a post card from his life. Sometimes he's the unreliable narrator; sometimes is the poet; sometimes he is the monologist (sp); sometimes he is the petulant man-child. Jeff is in a period where he is (apparently) very comfortable in his skin and with his life. We probably won't get the ravaged narratives of ST or YHF ever again, but that is OK. Things have changed since Jay was separated from the band. And the change was unsettling.
  5. I agree about AM. I love it for what it is. It's almost like the unofficial Last Uncle Tupelo record. It's not a harbinger of things to come nor a touchstone. It is a unique part of the Wilco canon. And, it's really a breakup record.
  6. Didn't see it coming...but not terribly surprised. I do wonder how the Dr. getting killed in the first episode of this season will be resolved.
  7. I tried to sign up over there and never got a response from an administrator.
  8. I'm with you on this one. It drives me nuts that Jeff encourages the singalong on Jesus Etc. It may well be the emotional core of YHF and is just too good a song to use as a throwaway
  9. I wonder if he got the traditional birthday present
  10. Oh My God It's a wonder he can even get out of bed in the mornings if he read some of the 'internet muscle' posts that fly around here.
  11. I am beginning to wonder if Bruce will record or tour again. He has suffered three losses to his core group over the last several years. Terry McGovern (an invaluable personal aide), Danny Federici and Clarence. Plus, Max suffered severe heart issues. It might be late in the game OR it may be too early, but maybe Bruce will be able to gather himself, put together a new band with a mix of some of his older cohorts and some new faces and make some more music. Either way, Clarence's passing leaves a void that cannot be filled.
  12. Good God, I hope that Jeff isn't making musical or performance decisions based on what is posted on this board. Holy Crap.
  13. As Jules said, it was very good live. The dynamics of the song forces the audience to pay attention and Glenn and Nels simply shred it.
  14. You were at the Paladium show, weren't you? It was a great opener.
  15. I am so with you here. You probably won't love a band your entire life. One can only hope that the pleasure derived from the music that one loves does not diminish. You can't predict the future. Live for the moment and relish the past.
  16. Copy cat...see second post in thread Ass hats and cat herders...
  17. See second post in thread...copycat
  18. After getting four straight releases before the official release date, I think I might just wait until the official release date. If this page gets overwhelmed with comments about the new record if (and when) The Whole Love gets leaked, I might take a hiatus. I am getting tired of having my enjoyment of the little moments derailed. The internet is literally equal parts enhancer and detractor of enjoyment.
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