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Everything posted by NightOfJoy

  1. I went to Metro to see Eleventh Dream Day open a show for the Meat Puppets, who I'd never heard of. I'm glad I stayed around for them because they were so good they damn near blew my lid off.
  2. So I should've allowed my lake (which is an asset to the folks that live on it) to go to shit?
  3. Just as an FYI, the chemicals used are strictly regulated. The EPA doesnt mess around with this stuff. You should see the instructions, its insanely detailed.
  4. No way bro, it's an America obligation to green up all of our ugly boring deserts with beautiful golf courses! I mean, c'mon, get with the program. I wonder what the Army Corp of Engineers would think about the golf course using water like that.
  5. I live on a small lake that eventually flows into a golf course. Last year the golf course had a shit fit because we were having the lake treated for weeds, like we've done every year since 1975. They actually threatened to arrest the guys who were servicing the lake! They said we couldnt treat our lake any more because they use a portion of that water that flows through the course to water their grass and greens. After I stopped laughing (I'm the president of the lake association), I basically told them to go fuck themselves sideways. If they need water, drill a well like I and everybody in m
  6. I plan on sueing god over the flood we had a few weeks ago. God, in all its glory, gave me TOO much water. I want my carpet replaced dammit and someone's gonna pay!
  7. Huh.........people really watch this show, eh? I'll be darned.
  8. "The Road" has to be pretty high up there on the list of most depressing books ever. I read it in two sittings, put it on the shelf and have been thinking about it ever since.
  9. Starting "Tortilla Flat" by Steinbeck later this evening......only read it once before, about 20 years ago.
  10. My dilema...........what if I dont like AM?
  11. He got a GREAT review for his recent show in Chicago.
  12. Tons of traditional Irish music! And the Drovers. And Van Morrison & the Chieftains. And the Bothy Band.
  13. "Saving Abel, Papa Roach, Buckcherry, and Avenged Sevenfold" I havent any idea who these bands are.
  14. G'damn dude......I'm starting to think we were replicated from the same batch of DNA or something........I'm not a golfer at all.......yet I find golf on TV to be wonderful background noise while I putter about the house....you got whispery guys babbling incoherently, birds chirping, sometimes some breeezy noises going on........oh yeah, good stuff.
  15. From Wiki--- On March 12th 2009, Paul Auster gave the sixth annual Lewis Mumford Lecture on Urbanism at the City College of New York (CCNY), with the title "City of Words." Auster disappointed his audience by merely reading various excerpts from his own published work, without inserting them into a larger narrative. Geez......the fallout from disappointing the public sure is swift nowadays. About the selling body parts book......I think I'm confusing Auster with someone else.
  16. Not sure. I recall a dark story about people selling body parts...does that sound right? I need some new stories, the Irish Revolution stuff is getting a bit morbid so I'll check those out.
  17. I was at a neighborhood party recently.........the host had an arcade game programmed with 250 games......many of them the old time classics like Battlezone, Defender, Joust, etc. I was so tempted to just immerse myself into it but resisted.
  18. Moon Palace......wonderful book! Nothing by Auster grabbed me as much as that one did.
  19. The Feds will have to pry my hoe from my cold dead hands before I stop planting. Gardeners of the world, unite!
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