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Everything posted by NightOfJoy

  1. Wouldnt utilizing the wings of angels be the most logical mode of transportation for Jesus? If I was the Son of God, I'd have those muthas on call 24/7!
  2. How'd you get all this Obama stuff? I've been volunteering at his Chicago HQ lately and they are all out. When the next shipment comes in, you gotta pay for it.....
  3. You'd think he'd come to his senses after 8 years of watching the GOP manage this country. It baffles me that some folks would even consider giving the GOP four more years after the bushCo nightmare concludes.
  4. His wife makes him? Yeah, probably. Its the fate of millions of men who'd rather sleep in. But you know the old saying....a happy wife makes for a happy life.
  5. The Addendum? I'm not familiar with this........is it a newer version of I, II & III covering newly discovered shows? There are indeed A LOT of gaps that need to be filled in, IMO.
  6. He goes to church but only for the sake of his kids. Basically, his wife makes him go. I asked him about it once....him being a learned scientist and all.......do you really believe in an invisible power in the sky and Its' almightly book.....and he said no. So, the abortion issue isnt a big deal for him. He's very close-mouthed about his motivations otherwise.
  7. My brother in law has a PhD in Physics and still supports bushCo and the GOP. It's f'n bizarre.
  8. Funny, I dont recall being asked my opinion on unregulated swaps at any point over the last 10 years.
  9. You are aware of the tremendous disparity between the rich and poor....the gap of which has grown even greater the last 8 years, right? The middle class has been shrinking and many of those left in the middle class are living paycheck to paycheck (you can count my family in that category-my wife and I have college degrees, have professional jobs and hold a low debt load--including zero $ owed to credit cards....and do not live an extraordinary lifestyle by any means). The poor and middle class have been taking it up the pipe for years-we're being taken advantage of in so many ways by those in
  10. Amazon has it listed, starting at 54 bucks. Looks like you got a good deal. A year ago, Vol 3 was going for $140 on Amazon. I found Vol 3 at a book store, which was going out of business. I think I paid $15. Get all three, you'll love 'em.
  11. I'd agree with that. The rich and powerful pound the middle class and poor into the dirt yet again.
  12. Concerning this blatant embrace of corporate socialism, Pelosi said "all the gain is privatized and all the risk is nationalized." She's totally right. How can real conservatives and believers in the free market stomach this move? Un-freakin'-believeable the hypocracy this administration and the "Republicans" are. They dont have an ounce of principle in their warmongering bodies. Is this the worst decade in a century or what?
  13. I wasnt consulted about this decision to embrace socialism. I'm calling a board meeting of all American taxpayers to discuss this.....lets say, early November?
  14. I know. As I said.....looking at the silver lining..... I spoke with a couple Lehman guys today.....who pull in 500k all-in easily....and they're freaking out.
  15. In addition to 'The Longest Winter", I'm also reading (actually almost finished now) "A Walk in the Woods" by Bryson. Gotta say, its restoked the fires in my desire to hike the Appalacian Trail. I wonder how I can sell that one to the wife?
  16. Paraphrasing here from a post I located elsewhere.... "From a silver lining perspective, this is a golden opportunity for the Obama campaign to jump ALL over McCain. The economy is going to be the main subject for the next couple of weeks. McCain is going to have a hard time explaining what he's going to do about this crisis without either 1) enraging the rabid pro-market right wingers, or 2) looking like a do-nothing candidate. This should be a good media cycle for Obama."
  17. A friend wrote and sent this to me recently......... Who do you feel is responsible for the biggest financial catastrophe of our time? I'm sure there are plenty of candidates but a leading perpetrator in my opinion (and a lot of economists) is ex-Senator Phil Gramm, who is heir apparent to be the Secretary of Treasury if McCain wins in November AND who is his current advisor on financial matters. Let me share with you some interesting facts about ex-Senator Phil Gramm.... In the 1990's as chairman of the Senate banking committee, he routinely turned down SEC chairman Arthur Levitt's re
  18. I found out this morning.....mind boggling. RIP DFW, I hope yer in a more peaceful place now.
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