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El Picador

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Everything posted by El Picador

  1. Does anyone out there have the lyrics for this song? I know the Radio Cure parts but don't have the rest. My copy of the Engineer Demos is lent out right now. Thanks.
  2. What if the album you download sucks ass? Do you still buy it? I know I'm picky, but I don't want crap in my collection.
  3. I look forward to seeing her next month at The Casbah.
  4. My Morning Jacket Calexico Sonic Youth Yo La Tengo Iron And Wine Broken Social Scene Pinback Bob Dylan Gillian Welch
  5. I once thought my work was haunted by a former employee who shot himself. I would see things out of the corner of my eye late at night when I was there alone. I spent 12 years working there and still think the place is spooked.
  6. Daft Punk is Playing at My House - LCD Soundsystem
  7. Bonnie 'Prince' Billie and Tortoise - Daniel Spoon - I Turn My Camera On Belle and Sebastain - Lazy Line Painter Jane Iron and Wine - Jezebel Sufjan Stevens - The are the Night Zombies
  8. I saw them a few weeks ago. It was great. American Water is one of my favorite albums as well.
  9. I won't be seeing any shows this fall, but I'm beyond tired of Shot in the Arm. I would like to see other Summerteeth songs rotated in in it's place.
  10. You have to go to mlb.com and pay $14.99 a year. It's a good deal if you don't have a t.v. and you love baseball.
  11. The Cure - Kiss me , Kiss me, Kiss me The Cure - Disintegration Oingo Boingo - Only a Lad The Smiths - The Queen is Dead Morrissey - Bona Drag Iron Maiden - Piece of Mind Metallica - Master of Puppets Fugazi - 13 Songs Descendents - Enjoy Rush - Moving Pictures Adam and the Ants - Kings of the Wild Frontier Bauhaus - In the Flat Field Depeche Mode - Black Celebration ...
  12. My favorite Wilco shows hands down.
  13. I would suggest researching events going on in each city during the time you wish to travel. Both towns are hot beds for live music, but both can go stale during the holidays. I live close to L.A. and go there all the time for shows and events, so I would go to Austin (I also have a very special lady friend in Austin). But L.A. can be really fun and exciting if you're there at the right time.
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