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El Picador

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Everything posted by El Picador

  1. I heard the tune on XM and didn't really care for it. I was excited when they said they were playing a new BRMC song but I didn't even make it till the end of the song before I changed it. Maybe it was my mood, but it sounded too overproduced or something.
  2. I had an appointment to take the postal exam a couple months ago but cancelled because I got the other job I was wanting. How cool would it have been to deliver mail in 72 degrees everyday, though? (Actually, the sun hasn't really been shining too much for the past couple weeks - the average highs have been in the mid 60s - so I feel your pain.
  3. I guess that would be Eric Johnson. Good enough.
  4. The Fruit Bats Sub-Pop page has them playing Malibu Performing Arts Center May 3rd as well. Curious.
  5. I just discovered The Rosebuds at SXSW at the Hot Freaks party. Check out their 2005 record 'Birds Make Good Neighbors'. I was impressed with them (live and in person) and then checked out this record and am glad I did. They're from Raleigh, NC.
  6. El Picador


    Here's my list: White Denim Sparrow House Peter & the Wolf Earl Greyhound Architecture in Helsinki The Comas Hello Stranger Nicole Atkins Apes and Androids Andrew Bird The Pipettes The Ponys Colourmusic The Dears Kunek The Rosebuds Young Knives Polyphonic Spree No wristband so I mainly caught free day shows. I am finally recovering from the long, exhausting week. Next year: wristband, hotel room near venues, backpack full of food and NO BOOZE.
  7. Thanks for the good read, Mike.
  8. I look forward to seeing them Tuesday night in Austin at Beerland.
  9. I like to think that I only listen to REALLY good music BUT... I get strange looks for knowing all the words to all the songs on the Sirius 1st Wave channel. Songs like "Secret" by OMD, "Too Shy" by Kajagoogoo, and "Space Age Lovesong" by A Flock of Seagulls come to mind. I still think these songs are good, it's just that most people don't.
  10. I put on Grren Eggs and Ham and my 6 year old danced around the room. Wonderful!
  11. I just found out I can go to sxsw and found a cheap round trip ticket. I have a bunch of good friends in Austin who are music dorks who say that a wristband is not necessary. There seems to be enough free stuff going on that one might be able to save a lot of cash by not buying one. Anyway, I'm just extremely excited that I get to go.
  12. Nah. They certainly don't. But they're pretty fucking lucky. So is Perk:
  13. I thought all Wilco albums were made in spite of Jay Farrar
  14. Side With the Seeds & You Are My Face
  15. That sounds great! I may be in and around Tulsa around then. I miss Cain's and the $12 six packs.
  16. I don't like it either. Especially the "we can make it better" part.
  17. Me too. I took my son to see Happy Feet and I fell asleep. Cars kept me interested.
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