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Vacant Horizon

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Everything posted by Vacant Horizon

  1. Rock and roll brother! In other related Dead news that no one gives a shit about...I play 2-3 gigs a year in random Dead cover bands. Both are this weekend. I was pulling together the setlist. I think there are 5 songs in a row in the key of E. I'm fine with it, but the keys dude hates that. Should be fun. You musicians can probably guess some/all of the tunes :-)
  2. My wife claims our progressive state of Georgia is blue. Hope against hope. At this point I can't think of a better chance for a party (D) to really do something good that unites the country and helps out in a real tangible way.
  3. I'm sorry to hear this too. I think I'm coming to an end of a major vocational rut. We'll see. I can totally relate.
  4. Well, we were probably at some of those shows together too. I think I kept up with them until Mullins left the first time. Ended up seeing them in 2002 on a whim or something. Yep, they did Loner. It was great to have a local band that had memorable songs though. All right, I'm heading out to Hookahville! Later.
  5. Yeah, the Recipe. I remember them. So AMan, are you a long hair dude? I'm 42 and still am. I keep threatening to cut it, but it gives me so much cred at dead related events.
  6. There was a moment in my life when Ekoostik Hookah was my favorite band Steve Sweeny is a great guitarist. I sat next to him at a Phish show once. He was cool. Yes, the 2nd and 3rd tier jamband scene got pretty saturated there for a while.
  7. That is crazy. Flying Blind toured a lot, but we played Canal Street and the old Sub Galley. Gulliver's were on that bill. We had a pretty good jam scene going there for a while. Fun times. Went by way too fast.
  8. Ha! Went to Miami, but I was in a band called Flying Blimd that played with Gullivers Medicine Show, if you ever saw them. We lived in the house right behind Ben and Jerry's. Small world. I worked at Gem City for a while. Did you go to that famous Phish show at Nutter Center in 97? With Psycho Killer? Almost went to UD for grad school. Small world!
  9. Driving down Linden Ave. in Dayton, OH. Turned on radio to hear Alabama. That was not a song they ever played. I knew it was bad news. After that tune the DJ came on and reported the news. I too was kind of relived. I only went to one show that summer...Pittsburgh. Not too bad, but the riots and the awful shows. Very sad. Looking at how these dudes are still out there pushing 70 always makes me wonder 'what if'. I really think if Garcia had taken long breaks after Brent died and focused on JGB and G/G things might've been different.
  10. revisiting Love is Hell. that album holds up well and is so much better out of the context of his then current drama. needs an updated cover though.
  11. They haven't been gone that long to have a reunion.
  12. Indie rock tended to definitely have a homemade, tinny sound back them. Wonder why that was. Temple of the Dog tour is kind of weird. It's basically Cornell with PJ, no. I really can't believe how much time has passed since those bands were ubiquitous with the times. My 20s were suddenly gone.
  13. Cool, will check those things out. Need to give them serious listen. They do have very cool song titles, album titles and album art.
  14. Yeah, that was a great looking set. CRB with Phil will be great!
  15. Yeah, I joined up when AGIB was released. I actually love the drone now. It's a nice ambient piece. I don't know if others remember the 'is Nels Cline essential?' controversy? I'm sure I've seen it referenced over the years. BTW, talking of archives etc, just makes me think about how much of a wasteland the internet is and how long we've been on it...long enough for the issue of dead people's online info has become and issue. Not sure if I'm making any sense. Been listening to the drone too much.
  16. I should like these dudes, but I just can't help thinking they really want to sound like Son Volt. Kind of like Ryan Adams in Whiskeytown. Will check out this new one though. Doesn't the frontman write novels too?
  17. I can't believe I've been on this goddamn board for 12 years! I vaguely remember the troll.
  18. It used to really bother me when my favorite bands had questionable artwork/titles. Now I could give two shits. I hated the cover for WTA, especially after the beautiful SBS cover. But I ended up loving the album (except Sonny Feeling :-) As far as the band doing a more alt. country album again...maybe. They're definitely in a more 'rough around the edges' period. I get it. After 20 years, you just want to write new tunes and play them. Titles and album covers become less important.
  19. Yeah, it'd be cool to see a psyched out Zep album cover a la III.
  20. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YnyeH2PSuqs Lost country rock gem from the 70s recently re-released. I think on a limited edition of cassettes. Great stuff!
  21. I think Before the Frost is great. Really like the Cabin DVD. Everyone just chillin' with Levon.
  22. Riverside Blues is from those sessions, no? Love that tune. What an intro.
  23. I loved that Old King. He was never afraid of Neil's gear. What a dog.
  24. I assume things were going to shit the last few years they were together, but man were they prolific! Especially Cabin Fever. How does that happen?
  25. "Smokin' Drum Breaks" would be a good band name. Need to check this out.
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